Other's Explanations
I'm glad you chipped in son, but dad would have been just fine with a King Cobra malt casket
Future archeologists discover this burial and decide the occupant, Budweiser, was ruler of the Kingdom of Beers.
"Six Feet Under" fans.
Hmm...I never realized there was a director's cut of the episode where James dies on "Good Times".
Budweiser, proudly sponsoring the afterlife, one failed liver at a time.......also we got free beer at the wake!
When product placement has gone too far.
Budweiser , beer is like heaven . I am in heaven
"I remember when he was black out drunk and puked all over me, those were the good times, miss ya buddy."
They didn't have a SPAM one.
Yeah, just as I said. And where is my "Marlboro" tombstone?
I'm glad you chipped in son, but dad would have been just fine with a King Cobra malt casket