Other's Explanations
Miss New Zealand 2008
while you're laughing....some guy in Alabama wants to hit that.
I'm a baaaaaaaaad girl!
Lady BaaBaa
I'm from New Zealand/Australia, so this kind of thing seems normal,
ewe whore!
I think if you have ever worked on a farm this picture is pretty self explanatory :)
The Gromble.
It's a Kazakhstan Hooker !
How Much?
This shoes with that hair? Ba-a-a-d decision.
kiwi stripper-gram
Wow! It's a cheap(sheep) whore!
OH MY GOD! I love her shoes.
meanwhile in New Zealand
Hilton we have to go
Blame the Welsh.
it`s Britney sheep !
To farm hands, that getup translates to "I take cash only."
"Middle Eastern Relief" in a Borat Voice
Why does the Scotsman wear a kilt? So the zipper won't scare the sheep away.
The only way to get rams easily.
i hate my life. i really really do.
THAT'S NOT FUNNY THAT IS FUCKING CRUEL. IF I EVER FOUND OUT WHO DID THIS THEY WILL GET SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scottish pornography
What brand of make-up is that? I know they're testing it on animals
B-ewe-ty is in the baaholder.
The goat from American pie!
animal testing-- gone TOO far
It's the teacher from Aahh! Real Monsters
Hey sweetie! Call me asap!
Make sure you change your oil every 5000km's to ensure quality lubrication of your vital metal engine parts.
A Wyoming hooker!!!
Afghanistan's Next Top Model
Does this make me look sheep?
it's a comment about fur and animal skins are clothing. duh.
where is your god now?!
ANIMAL TESTING -- gone tooo far
More like Miss Scotland.
miss ireland 2010
But Wait! If you are one of the first hundred callers...
A Welshmans dream.
Sometimes you just gotta push the sheep through the fence.
jailbait for farmers...
She sheepishly walked down the catwalk.
heeled sheep disease, spreading all over New Zealand.
Gosh, she looks cheap!
muslim pinup
miss wales in drag
your all filth thats my wife ur tlking about
helps you push it through the fence
A Welshman's ideal woman.
Oh yeah... I went there... -
I love your haircut! Did you get it at the baaaaaa-ber?
The Welsh dream date.
You get virgin wool from ugly sheep.....
You can't hit her, because she's underage.
So a sheep walks into a bar,...
This is a picture of Megan Fox but if you see a sheep..you got problems
Its a fox in sheep's clothing ;)
A typical German farmer fetish.
Lady Gaga's newest outfit.
Chubby little whore
At tele 2, we are proud to be cheap.
oh, how I miss Armenia........
Hello Dolly ;D
Чеченские забавы :)
yeah doll, i charge 1 pile of gras per head!
Would you do me? Cause I'd do me...
This must be what the Welsh wank over.
It's obviously a transvestite.. I mean, sometimes it's just hard to see if a tranny really IS a tranny or a real girl or boy. But this is in fact true.
Miss New Zealand 2008