Other's Explanations
THE question remains...
Where is that green stuff sticking into...???? -
What's to explain? Can't you see she's Japanese??
1 girl rice cup
Look Honey, I made dinner...
Tubgirl: The Aftermath.
rice crispies laced with meth, start to finish.
the stuff is natto, fermented beans. japanese version of the hamburger tub.
Dude, that never happens in my bath tub:-(
1 girl 1 rice cup
This reminds me of my wedding night....
it's called nattou, made from fermented soybeans. i have tried it once: it smell, tastes and looks horrible :-x
Does anyone else think she's cute?
É simpatia!!!!
best. fetish. ever
I am Japanese, I am weird, and I love to have corn flakes and leek for breakfast...
reverse cereal
I think I see a nipple....
Somebody likes their natto beans...
Well at least she likes sticky stuff on her.
Rice Crispie Treats & Other Delights Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass
That's how I like my cereal: green, sticky an Chinees-yellow!
Oh cute japanese g... OH SHIT ALIEN DROOL RUN !
chinese food?Happy meal !
I know, people are starving in Africa, but I'm not strong enought to throw it so far, so... PARTY TIME!
snap, crackle, PUNANNY!!
I'm confused ... where's the other girl with the cup?
Well you see, this woman is Japanese.
Rice Crispy treats.....you're doing it wrong
Why would you ever mix cereals with vegetables?
We all know it Michael phelps after pot. •
Alfred Hitchcock's International Films: "Attack Of The Fermented Soybeans"
China ))) and thats all )
What the hell is going on???
That's how my mom used to make Rice Krispies treats!!!
2 girls 1 finger --------------------------------- If you missed it it kinda looked like this!
The green stuff (leeks) are sticking in a tub of fermented soybeans, which is like eating soybeans in a pool of thick snot. Bleh!
The slimy stuff is natto.
where do i put my dick?
whatever this is... I bet it has to do something with porn!
Now, add one japanese girl and stir vigourously..
Till a consistency of gravy -
The ordinary Japanese Breakfast. A Tradition since 1845.
Looks like someone had to much Thai food and someone was allready on the pot shittin.
Hmm, juicy beans...
2 girls 1 cup the directors cuts
snap, crackle, bukakke!
I girl, two fetishes.
Fermented beans that looks like fecal matter, yummmmmee.
Bull milk and cereals bath
O no I spilt my food
Heello I lost my brains ! ;DDDDD
So this is the original Thai sticky rice?
We at the Fetish Development Institute are hard at work to find new and interesting ways to give you a boner.
Baby, if that's what you're into, I am SO there!
Bathing in cereal and ice cream is the only cure for the new VD Bamboo crotch fungus!
Wow, So that the real experience of eating Natto in a extremely harcore way? Cool xD
Natto good. Get it? LO... never mind.
IDK.. that's kinda hot.
"snap crackle pop, im asian." xD
i feel dirty just from looking at this...
It's the ultimate Japanese erotica. Natto + schoolgirl swimsuit + leeks. But the rice is just weird.
I just came.
I wonder what that leek is for...
nattos! stinky for some people(even for some japns) but i love to eat it! looks disgustingbut its healthy! LOL
It's natto idiots.
That explains why vaginas sometimes smell like onions.
"1 girl 1 tub" just doesn't have the same ring to it
shes asian, what do you expect.
That must be the 'after' shot from that diarrhea fountain shot that was going around.
that's fucking gross
1 girl 1 Smack's cup.
I'm Japanese...
Do I Need A Reason? -
fun in the air plain bathroom
Geez, what an attack of diarrhea!
That is japanese stinky bean...stinks like tons of rotten shiits
Worst porn flick EVER¡¡
Fap fap num num ...
wice kwispy tweets
Meanwhile, in Japan...Meanwhile, in Japan...
That morning breakfast went horribly wrong ...
Clearly here we see an example od so called Two-Front-Nourishment (TFN). This treatment is an excellent solution for a malnutritioned skin syndrome (MSS). The basics are very simple and I will explain them right away on this example. The woman we see on this photo certainly suffers from MSS. As we see, her body is covered with a nutritional substance. Why is this important? As we know, skin has an ability to assimilate many substances directly on contact. Many creams and ointments utilise this ability. In this case, the woman's skin assimilates nutritional substances directly from the food it is in contact with. This provides necessary nourishment for the skin and this is the so called First Front. Also, as we can see, the woman indicates an intention to consume the food the natural way - through her oral orifice. This is the Second Front. Concluding, what happens here is an assimilation of all that is needed for the woman to have a healthy skin through two ways - directly through skin and also through the gastrointestinal tract. Her skin is nourished in two ways and the nourishment of the rest of her body is improved as the skin does not use as much substances from the gastrointestinal tract. I hope that I have cleared all your doubts.
The Girl who tried and tried but still could never find her mouth.
If everything ends right Time Travel will be a FACT!
2 Girls 1 Cup camera person?
Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern & his Oriental concubine.
Only in Japan...
Japanese Natto (fermented soy beans) and a Leek and weird asian girl :]
Fat Asianphile dream girl
soft core Japanese porn
Is that bamboo coming out of her..
japan is wierd
Captcha: "agree to disagree"
Japanese cerial fetish porn
That's not marhmellow
2 Girls 1 Cup camera person?
...asian people.
fermented beansssss
memories from last night....
THE question remains...
Where is that green stuff sticking into...????