Other's Explanations
Before anyone else says it..
Can someone get me a Pepsi?
Does anyone else find it amazing that there's actually a girl there?
Hey, I have an idea hihihi ... Do you have a mentos ?
The Coke Clux Clan!
sorry im late guys! got my pepsi hat...oh
Guy in red" Dude, this isn;t what I meant when I said Bring enough coke to the party for everyone
Son una secta! xDD
getting coked up.....asian style
coke partys are different were i come from
someone feels left out
Despite its many progressive policies, Japanese women are still not allowed to wear Coke Bottle Hats.
Celebrating Coca-Cola bd in Japan
Coke Party!!!!!!
It's a new religion
The war for the female Cokeheads begins,only at animal planet.
that girls at the end is like: "Damn wrong coke party!"
Whoa...All the bottles are facing the same way
It's American Idol 2011
this is hot
MW3 Convention!
The Coke Can Clan
Japanese coke night
They sure know how to party
"now we will begin the feast of a thousand cokes"
The Yakuza celebrating after the big Coke shipment.
Now that's a coke habit!
it is Coke inside those bottles, not hair! they make those type of hats/botles in china, yes i know they are stupid... but hey, they are from china.....
Drugs are dangerous...
Children of the workers at the Coke Botteling plant in Nagasaki.
"Asian mating ritual" (heh, I'm Korean and I recognize the Korean characters on the label "코카...")
Girl : so guyz... what are we gonna do with all this coke. Guyz : BUT CHUG! BUT CHUG! BUT CHUG!
Where's the mento's?
They're all asian! It all makes sense now...
see more - Sarcastic view of Japan www.japanhappens.com/post/17290133019/anatomic-matilda-ver-i-saggy-homeless-good
One way that modern ninjas hide is-to dress like TOTAL GEEKS at many conventions.
Pssst.. You sure this is a kilo?
jack daniels poster ftw
"Live on the COKE side of life!"
coke drinking competition. winner gets free diabetes :)
Pepsi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs away*
Coke addicts convention.
Devo making a bad asian come back?
Again Japan really????
A Gang from China Town has beed accused of stealing an entire christmas coke truck
Again Japan really??????
The queen has laid another clutch of eggs, and we must watch over them until they hatch.
Nobody had any aluminum foil, so .... Captcha: "Uncharted island"
The cultists had to postpone the mass suicide because no one remembered to bring the Mentos.
stop being so sexist of course there is one girl and one to little hats so who doesnt get the hat?
They must be on Cokecain!
somebody noticed that the bottles are ALL facing EXACTLY the same direction?
DAMN product placement is RUINING everything!
coke is a hell of a drink
Girl- "This is not what I ment when I said I wanna bang a bunch of cokeheads."
They REALLY like coke.
They have bottles on their cocks too!
its the coca-cola company xmas party in japan!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are quite obviously a Coca-Cola sect, the girl-priestess gives that away. Each member had to gain their sacred Coca-Cola hat by taking a vow to only drink Coca-Cola for an entire month, and they celebrate te entrance of a new member (not in the picture: not yet considered worthy of photographing) by joining and chanting Cat Stevens' songs around the beverages he'll then on consume for that month.
cu cux clan undercover meeting????
All I wanted was a Pepsi. Just one Pepsi, and she wouldn't give it to me!
Only in japan.
Hey baby I really want you to meat my friends
Um, thank you for the invitation, but I think I left my stove on ...
Jack Danniels is watching you.
...polish cokeheads
The cultists were unable to complete their mass suicide plan because someone forgot to bring the Mentos.
Cokaholics Anonymous
Here we see an insider photo from a meeting of the infamous Coke Masons, holders of the secret formula.
its not a joke that the beverages these days get to your head!!
How do they make the hats yet keep the Coke in them? Awesome
I don't think this is what they meant by "a line of coke"
NCC (Nerd Coke Convension...FUCK a woman...
It's Japan...
Hey! Bitch is cheatin!
Coke is a hell of a drug..
The aliens are coming.
Only in Japan...
coke adicts
I think yuki was high when he thought this up.
slow and painful suicide.
Screw you! That's what I was gonna say!
Why you smiling girl?? you aint got no hat!
This is how they enjoy Coke in North Korea... before it was banned.
Hey, look! It's Jet Li!
better than crack heads
It was then Cheng realized that she had brought the wrong kind of coke.
I want a liter of cola.
Did anyone noticed the whisky posters?
"If you wanna get down... Down on the ground... Coke-Aine"
Here we see an insider photo from a meeting of the infamous Coke Masons, holders of the secret formula.
A load of bubble heads...is what she is thinking!
"I said 'Bring more COCAINE', man, okay? CO-CA-INE"
Coke whores
"Hey guys, want a Mentos?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" "And son, that is how babies are made." wat
This is how they do it. They Chinese. They play joke. They go peepee in your Coke.
This isn't what the stripper had in mind for a coke party...
Before anyone else says it..