Other's Explanations
How babies are made in Japan
Wait a sec, THAT'S NOT A TAIL!!!
You want it, you see it!
there is the scene! -
When yellow teletubbies try to take over the world. x
Where the Powerpuff Girls really came from.
yeah shes HOTT!!!
I'll just look towards the left side.
An explanation as to why Japan is awesome
Making Babies. You're doing it wrong.
the guy and his girl friend are doing an experiment of some weird sort and the guy's house mate is being silly wearing the costume and pretending it's Discovery channel mating season.
I came
Japanese Teletubbies, they're anatomically correct!
Next Week, On Silent Library
"Miaki, hand me my do-it-yourself liposuction book!"
"I'm a beast when you turn me on, into the future cybertron"
It's a scene from a japanese movie "Funky Forest" and it's not even the weirdest scene in it!
Japanes porn is getting weirder and weirder,
japan schoolgirls. bizzard and sexy .. i have to take of my pants or become yellow to be whit you?
If you lived in Japan, this wouldn't get a second glance.
I think I now know why Japan lost the war.
I guess it's true. Big Bird and Lala's love child went mad for power.
what's that yellow thing supposed to be?
"You see... This is my vision. To fist every bellybutton in the worllld Muahaha" * Claps Hands*
Thats off the fucking chain!!
Japanese Liposuction!
So...am I the only one horny after seeing it?
i think its a jap movie or something i saw it somewhere before.
WOW!! FAST 7 IN JAPAN.3,2,1 WTF?????????
i don't know his undies showing is distracting me a little bit too much!!!
And the winner of Japans got Talent is.....
http://mx.youtube.com/watch?v=YPsd5BhDNu4&feature=related 'yellow pokeshit': "suckmykerosayo" translate: "suck my snake biaatchhhh!!!"
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I told you Japan was F@cking weird!
When Yang-Lee finally arose from his deep meditation he could not help but wondering: "How long was I gone?"
asiatic porn
This is one of those "WTF" moments ya know?
Japanese people...
there are so many things wrong about this!!!
In case you're wondering, no, she does not take her top off in the video.
I sure will -
Splice 2
Is that big bird in the corner? Or am I mistaken
"Now put your hands together, everyone, and pray that Mimoko survives."
OK, I think I honestly have this one. The guy is planning on injecting the girl with that strange substance in the box. Somehow it will cause that yellowish padding the other guy has around him to grow out of her skin. And then she'll look like the other dude.
I'm guessing what follows next is purely sexual. -
Is it porn or a innocent game show we will never know with japan
Just a normal day at home in China...
LMAo they pwring something that kinda looks like a PC with belly button power!!
This was their attempt at recreating L. Ron Hubbard's written word to the big screen.
New!! Rechargeable woman!
this is what they say is arts nowadays...
That's a movie called funky forest
This one makes perfect sense. The explanation is "WTF JAPAN".
Also he's wearing really tiny shorts, if you take a look. -
New Japanese family game night craze.
That's from a movie called "Funky Forest" and there is NO explanation for it. Because it comes from Japan.
Now i've seen everything
Japanese superheroes about to launch a power attack against the forces of evil.
... Japan
is this some weird form of japaneese liposucktion
Is that a guy sitting in another guy's schlong??? Why is the tube goin in the...?? So many questions that the world might ne'er know the answer to.
these have got to be the stupidest things i've ever seen
If you see the video http://mx.youtube.com/watch?v=YPsd5BhDNu4&feature=related with the English subtitles it will make sense HA HA HA
ALLELUIAH ! please, please, please,make that happening !! we're so in neeeed for another woman hole!!!!!!
Liposuction gone wrong...
the game on the floor is the hungry hungry hippos prototype
"its exactly what it looks like..........."
*sigh* we might as well just give up.
looks like a dream i had once..only there were puppets.
It's Japan... You simply can't understand it...
Cocaine Is a hell of a drug
CUT! Sorry phil, you're just not weird enough. STEVE! Take out the middle guy and replace him with a blue carrot holding a happy turd
Wait a second, that's no tail!
Tito Simmons and the Wigwam Warriors
My parents told me that plant a seed in mum's navel will make a baby... Psychology learned me that babies remembers what they lived in mum's body... I'm fond of Pikatchu.
YoYoMama-san... as you can see, I have fulfilled my promise to you to prove my worthiness to marry your daughter. I have taken it in the arse from a giant chicken with the schlong the size of an anaconda. I have stolen the inner workings of a nuclear cruise missle and laid them at your feet. Now, please cut the umbilical cord from your little girl and let us take our fishtank to the sushi bar where it belongs.
worst birds and bees talk EVER
Marijuana. Harmless?
In the adult version of teletubbies they show us the "making of". This is actually the part where they're plugging the belly screen to see how it works
first i create a big bird teletubbie pikachu, and now , with her stomach and this tv , i'm going to create a real food netword
funky forest bitches
Lunchtime in Japan
It's like a fucked-up scene from The Matrix
The Birth of a teletubbie
can i take my shirt off now or not?
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going
anyone noticed how long his torso is?
Meanwhile, in Japan....
she doesn't look exited
Stamina refill
... and they called me CRAZY!!!
Want to make babies? There's a jap for that
that yellow dude is poised for rape
The guy looks like the Shamwow Vince of Japan...
that's from the teletubbies' episode where dipsy gets a huge erection from watching japanese weird sex acts
What happens in college, stays in college.
I'm the Japanese Kurisu Angeru!
dr. who-san.
who knew she had that much shit in her????
Hum, there's a moment in this movie where people playing tennis milk an old guy's nipples. So let's say this isn't the grossest part of "Funky Forest" XD
"hope this erection experiment work so the teletubbie can f*** me whit his long tail... please give me the power girl"
Wtf is dripping out of the box thing that her stomach is attached to....?
Meanwhile, in Japan...
from the movie Funky Forest
Just another normal day in Japan.
Japanese porn...DO NOT WANT!!!
belive it or not.... thats the guy who created neon genisis evangelion.... no joke...
I don't get it.
The japanese remake of "Splice"
Japan is weird
Rehearsal session for the latest Gwen Stefani Harajuku video.
Japanese Doctor Who - the pilot episode
*nasal voice* You see this is how the European make their pawn-noe-graf-ick movies!
I've Seen Enough Hentai To Know Where This Is Going.
how can someone explain the pic, if even the video/movie is unexplainable.
I don't know if I should strip naked or applaud at this.
http://mx.youtube.com/watch?v=YPsd5BhDNu4&feature=related 'yellow pokeshit': "suckmykerosayo" translate: "suck my snake biaatchhhh!!!"
So thats how they run TV's these days...
It's from the movie, Funky Forest. It as made in 2005, you should check it out~
Its Japanese
Where on earth are his pants?
A man wearing a child's jacket and shorts with his underwear sticking out and a mysterious alien-like yellow-haired man with a long furry penis, who are two members of the shorty trio, asked a girl for help to save Planet PIKO-RIKO. The girl connected a tube to her navel and a slimy navel was created in the machine. The man pulls out a tiny sushi delivery guy called Yamada which is the third member of the shorty trio. Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFVC_Ktge7Y and skip to 1:13:30 to really see what the fuck is going on. I'm confused too.:(
un nuevo teletubie
magician are really strange in japan
How babies are made in Japan