Other's Explanations
So I wore a christmas hat. Bitches love Christmas hats.
Son.... I am dissapoint
this isn't the real pic.. the other one has a naked dude instead of the badhger...
What? Don't judge me! I just happen to tell Santa I needed something naughty this year. You heard of Dancing bear right. Well meet dancing badger. Lol
The very second his father's soul died caught on film.
Apparently Christmas Grams don't have the intended effect during a wake.
Merry Christmas from Edna and the twins!
Someone needs to get them a copy of the book: "So your kid is a furrie".
Don't look at it! if you don't look at it's not happening!
that christmas day was perfect to explain mom and dad what is a furry
grandma > "see what i go through every day around here?"
*Wife is thinking Oh shit my lover and that human are in the room
Oh fuck,my pants is scratched,I won't live longer...
That was the christmas when Dylan took the charade one step too far and his kids realised that Santa Claus is fake.
A badger is for life, not just for christmas.
Jumping into radioactive substance doesn't give you super powers.
Sorry Mawmaw, it followed me home, canz I keep it?
Do you get excited when writing the word "PEDOBEAR"? That seems to be a some kind of an unhealthy obsession to you. Why can't you just write about molestation, child abuse etc?
The new sitcom "My son the furry"
NOPE! chuck testa
Peggy! That boy ain't right again!
Pedobear missed the family reunion
Should we call an exterminator or the cops?
Extremely wrong beginning of a furry party.
Son, i am dissapoint
I'm here to save Dumbledore!!
What I did to deserve this two at Christmas?
Sigh.....all I wanted was a threesome...
Gandolf and Bilbo celebrate Christmas.
Lets not talk about the badger in the room
the resemblance is startling
OMG! It's a monster! And a guy wearing a costume right beside him.
Man I gotta stop taking these mushrooms...
It was all fun and games, until the giant skunk dropped one.