Other's Explanations
Dr. Suess's gay brother
It's Waldo's cousin!
call 911 dr. suess' evil twin just escaped! (guess he got tired of his cell mate sam I am's ham!)
New generation of Wally
Where is waldo B&W ?
Where's Dildo?
I think Waldo might have spent the last few years in jail
Jim Carey! For Christ-sakes get control of yer self.
METH, Not even once.
In Soviet Russia pedestrian crossing passes over you.
straight out of prison lady gagas brother
Mr. Where's Waldo just can't get this guy to go away!
Dr. Suess' depression years...
Uhhhh Dr. Seuss...... found your lost character....... ~ get used to it
Where ISN'T Waldo
beatlejuce beatlejuce BEATLEJUCE
So much Doppler Effect
speed limit ‡ age limit notice also 1551 and 'any time' bords and wtf he's wearing CroCs ?
The Thing-ama-jigger is up and away...