Other's Explanations
The only book I have ever wanted to read
a book for very cocky men
Next book: how to live AS a big penis
An autobiography about the Great Leader: Mr. Hugh JEH Penis.
I wrote that book
Let's admit it, we all want this, but not a lot of us need it.
my life story...
Jimmy Kimmel IS a dickhead, so your comment makes sense...kinda
Here at last is the first self-help book for men with Oversized Male Genitalia (OMG), a genetic birth defect that grows the penis to absurd proportions. Every year, thousands of men are diagnosed with OMG. Sadly, most are banished to the fringes of society, victims of their own freakish length and girth. How to Live with a Huge Penis brings them an inspiring message of tolerance and hope.-The Amazon description
One book i'll never have to get for my Boyfriend... (Rileye)
Thank you for sharing your library with us, Mr. Kimmel. And congrats on the whole talk show gig.
The only book I have ever wanted to read