Other's Explanations
the human centipede you're doing it wrong!
Divided by bodies , united by undies
The evil villain Assface has struck again. Can no one stop him?
The Republican Primary, ladies and gentlemen.
I knew that the Crash Test Dummies had fallen on hard times, but this?!
We've found Hell
Worst scratch and sniff ever
Human Summerpede.
Your Congress, at work.
Politicians, snitches & wannabes.
In Russia, underpants eat you!
No, I do NOT have my head up my ass!
A rare Fart-Me-Smell-You in it's natural habitat
Divide by 3 and only The Good Lord knows what will happen
Please Recycle
A threesome with style.
Here BankMilitaryPharmaIndustry owners try to find solution for global problems. One of them man without his own heart mumble: Answer to our problems must be somewhere near because it all started from here .
When everyone says "eat shit" at the same time, this happens...
If I were one of the dudes in this photo, I would like to think I would be the one with his face turned AWAY from hole.
No. There is simply no explanation for this.
This is why we ban cameras at the Management outings.
the human centipede you're doing it wrong!