Other's Explanations
the multiplayer is AWESOME!!!!
Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Select, C U M!
The Realsex Doll creators explore new horizons!
Prostate Exam Simulator : Got your finger on it!
ALIENS (probe simulator 2000)
for the one this is a prostata simlator, for the other one this is used for anal sex
Much better than the Xbox One
Just wait until the realistic "scented" version is released
Nintendo what to know... do you want to play?
The John Travolta home massage experience!
I think everyone use this the way it is meant to be used...
Back in my day we used to use cadavers for this. It's health & safety gone mad, I tell you.
seXBox Kinect
You're never gonna believe where I found the car key after all!
Internet porn just got real folks!
some game developer spent a year of his life making an ass exam sim......great for his resume....
Only on Nintendo Wii
Build a bear training dummy...
Nerds all over the world rejoiced as the Anal-simulation Controller 2000 hit the shelves!
Would you rather this guy "practices" on you?!?!?
I want that game!
Next level shit!
If your finger are bigger you can win more points
in this game nobody wins
No, No, No, No, Noooooooooo, you won't find the G-Spot *THERE* !!!
Prostate exam simulator... yeah right!
omg where is my watch ?!!!
Since nobody is reply to our craigslist ad, we have to use this fake one
new game for xbox kinect
seXBox Kinect
This is the game that came with the console. Wait until you try the others...
This was on the "Worst Things for Sale" blog a week or so back... it's a practice butt for prostate doctors. But anyone can buy one, so no doubt there are some 'non-medical' uses taking place, God help us...
Hope this controller does'nt have force feedback.
Just a few more hours and I break the Highscore
I hope this person failed the prostate exam!
the multiplayer is AWESOME!!!!