Other's Explanations
The hung, the bald and the furry.
You ever been to a donkey show?
The new art of porno movie,...
Showing the size of our dicks
Whatchu talking bout Ron? Mine is THIS big!
my opinion: Gary Coleman knew Ron Jeremy from all of the porn he watched and they happened to cross paths at times. Ron Jeremy knew a real kinky chick that wondered how big coleman's dick was, and you would have to be kinky to wonder that, so Ron invited coleman over to sex up his kinky chick friend. That's how he knows. The person dressed as the wookie is that kinky chick
Chewbacca, Gary Colman, and Ron Jeremy? Hmm..yeah,sounds like the next Backstreet Boys to me. GET L.A. Reid on the phone!
is that ron jeremy!!!!???
The wiggles are trying something different this year.
mexican A-team
Two black guys and a wetback! Lol
Chewy, Gary + Ron describe the guy they had last night.
LOL Mexican A-Team wtf? chewbacca --> not mexican... Gary coleman --> Not mexican.. porno Cowboy--> not Mexican..
You know you wish you had been at THIS party.
please sir, let the wookie win...
Chewi, Goldman, Jeremy... Sickest porno EVER!
ron and garry compare penile size while chewy judges
Real American Heroes
What you talkin' bout Willis....
Chew-blacca (and a guy with a huge cock)
-Happy birthday to Gary, happy birthday to Gary -Arghhargharghhh -What are u talking about Chewi? -.-
I'll take penises that nobody cares about for $200, Alex
Garry Coleman's Hell
who's got most hair ?
ron jeremy's last porn
Yes, Darwin was right.