Other's Explanations
"Buttman" and the "Poker" keep an eye out for their young ward, "Swallow".
Pedobat and his Jokerbitch.
Why so gay?
oh that just 60's batman.
Come on...Batter Up tonight please!
PSST! yeah, you were right, we looked better in this three years ago...
"I told you I'd find him one way or another Commissioner Gorden." "Well, yeah but..."
"You were right Joker, tonight I TOTALLY broke my one rule..."
Batman on ice faces budget cuts
Of coarse their patriots fans
Joker totally got a Small Penis
Why so serious??
You see, ever since the Joker escaped the costume budget has sort of... deflated.
BrokeBat Mountain.
Hi, I'm Chris Pontius; I'm Johnny Knoxville; and this is the Roller Superhero Public Colo-Rectal Exam.
It was only a matter of time before Batman started cheating on Robin
and green lantern is the gay one?
What? Joel Schumacher takes over the Batman franchise again???
Hey Batman, for me the hardest part about rollerblading was telling my parents I was gay! What was yours?
careful Joker, you are touching my spleen
That was BAT IDEA!
the woman in the background looks like she has a dick!
Wow even the recession affected batman and joker
It has become abundantly clear to batman and the joker that somewhere along the way, they missed the sign for Key West.
the joker looks like Tosh.0
ive got passion in my pants and im not scared to show it, im sexy AND I KNOW IT!
Now we know why...they call him the joker,,, such a big guy and he has such a little pecker!!
What in the fucking hell is going on!?!
Holy venereal disease Batman!
Haters gonna hate.
Why so queerious?
PSST! Batman! You forgot your costume AGAIN !!!!
"Buttman" and the "Poker" keep an eye out for their young ward, "Swallow".