Other's Explanations
Blue Man Group, you're doing it wrong......
Who is the hero here?
Isnt that a level from street fighter 2?
Oh Dios! Es Charlie! Colgados en Filadelfia (L)
its always sunny in philadelphia.
The guy from the traffic light
you're all idiots, their gonna be lookin' for army guys
i guess this way it will be much easier to photoshop uncle jim out of the picture.
Green man fights for America!
3D-model texturing. You DID it wrong
I dont want to freak you out guys, but I think you brought something back from you flight.
morphsuit, he ordered the pilot one, they sent him green
He's wearing the green suit so that they can make him any minority they want.
It's little known fact that Tom Cruise was super-imposed into every scene of Top Gun
Have no fear! I am from the Internet ... Let's take a picture.
Green man on vacation with his family
Anonymous lost his suit...
It just seemed appropriate.
Silver servers second cousin needs plane to fly.
green guy--- TEXTURE ERROR wtf
Blue Man Group, you're doing it wrong......