Other's Explanations
Luke, I am your 2nd father.
Real stormtroopers wear pink
The pink side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
Regardless of the Police barricade, Stormtrooper G7A1Y25 knows he looks fabulous.
Ahem, Gentlemen.
Join the pink force and i will give you a cookie
Stormtrooper Prom Season
As you were.
Yes. We're ALL aware of breast cancer.
sorry guys pink is the new black
I, am... your sister.
Is there a problem officer?
Enough breast cancer fund raisers!
damn wife cant do laundry for shit! this is so a divorce case!
I guess that's Mr. Pink from Reservoir Troopers.
Number one rule of laundry... Don't wash the storm trooper gear with the imperial guard gear!
Boba Fey
It's obviously statement about race, class, & misogyny. The fact that being a man doesn't mean using brute force and the assertion of your "power" to dominate others. Quite simply if you feel you need to be a brute just to be a man, then you are so far in the wrong there's not much that's going to pull your head out of your ass. The Pink Storm trooper show us that being an individual who is true to themselves is far more powerful then seeking to buy into the established force, as they stare into the eyes of the status quo. The storm trooper is mostly androgynous, and unidentifiable. They are an individual and at the same time just another anonymous member of the masses.
Parez hilton in the year 3050
Supp mosacra
Culture clash between stormtrooper and Teen Wolf Too.
Komen Race for the Empire.
...and before these men of the SWAT team, I solemnly swear that the testimony I'm about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, nothing but..." "Ok, Mr (Don) Johnson, get to the point. Where were you that night?" "I was watching Star Wars, I told you."
maybe deh 2nd police scratchin his nuts
George Lucas tested LSD just before shooting "Star Wars episode 7 -Police strikes back"
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta`
Gatsby goes geek.
Supp mosacra
America's Next Stormtrooper
not funny. fuck off, you twat
the pink side of social force
I'd tap that.
Barney Stinson!!
Luke, I am your 2nd father.