Other's Explanations
A stubby teletubbie...
Koochie koochie koooo
Osama Bin Liner
Willy nilly
Solve If You Aren't A Zombie
TaliTubbies are back
Sir, its confirmed al Qaeda has infiltrated the teletubbies.
do not say anything!
So that's why there's a mask on their faces!
pohk you
Osama Gay laden
WOW dwarf level 7
Wait, is the red tellitubbie giving us the finger?
$20,000 on EBay.
Biiig huuuug!!
in taliban, it wuuuude to point.
the only reason he agreed to take this picture is cus they all look alike.
Don't laugh. This guy blew up a TV set. Children died.
oprah's new pet
A stubby teletubbie...