Other's Explanations
A stubby teletubbie...
Koochie koochie koooo
Osama Bin Liner
Willy nilly
Solve If You Aren't A Zombie
TaliTubbies are back
Sir, its confirmed al Qaeda has infiltrated the teletubbies.
So that's why there's a mask on their faces!
do not say anything!
pohk you
Osama Gay laden
WOW dwarf level 7
Wait, is the red tellitubbie giving us the finger?
$20,000 on EBay.
Biiig huuuug!!
in taliban, it wuuuude to point.
Don't laugh. This guy blew up a TV set. Children died.
the only reason he agreed to take this picture is cus they all look alike.
oprah's new pet
A stubby teletubbie...