Other's Explanations
I bet he's a COP! They ALL have a mild bacon smell surrounding them.
Dude, that is so not Kosher.
Benjamin Katzenberg felt a compulsion to let the world know he was no longer jewish.
Death to ze turkey bacon!
Bacon on Hitler? Surely it's Ham on Goering?
I don't wanna see the smokehouse.
Bacon Bitler?
f*ck with me if you wanna BEEF!!
Pig Heil!
Definitely not a muslim or hebrew
adolf meatler!
The FAA announced today that passenger must wear specific items when flying in the latest anti-terrorist strategy
Hitler Did Love "Bacon"
Ze war is BAC ON!!
Jason had never done a rasher thing in his life.
& Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips & Bacon Strips.
Adolf Bacon!
lady gaga's daddy
Fuhrer Bacon!
Apparently Hitlers soul was put into a pig before he died and he is now out to control victims to rule the world!!
God, the kid from all those John Hughes movies has really become a pig
Quentin Tarantino tests possible costumes for "Inglorious Basterds".
swine furher
OMFG! Hitler O.o
I bet he's a COP! They ALL have a mild bacon smell surrounding them.