Other's Explanations
A sandwich. A blow job. And SHE paid for the beer.
....when we get home take em to the kitchen an STAY THERE!!
We are mere men. This man, he is THE MASTER.
at least he took one off her hand's ;)
Bronze medal winner in "Man of the year 2009"
Damn! this beer is not cold, honey give me another!.
Look how heavy that umbrella looks
and you BETTER make me a fucking sandwich when we get home too!
She's training for the World Weightlifting Championships
Hey, he is carrying the umbrella. Dont you guys know how heavy they are, with all the rain of the world falling on it?
Can't you walk any faster?! It's raining and there's a hole in my umbrella!
Location of this picture: http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&source=s_q&sll=51.151786,10.415039&sspn=24.757954,27.773438&ll=60.454615,22.28817&spn=0.008486,0.043473&z=15&layer=c&cbll=60.454513,22.288074&panoid=c580bQv4oaZIg8DbJfSWOw&cbp=12,287.91,,1,4.59
At least hes carrying the umbrella for her!
and so the first perfect female robot was launched
It's pronounced sammich
Hey, she's the one that wanted to go shopping!
What would I do if I won the lottery? hmmm
Hurry it up bitch!! So you told my mom you won't cook or clean? watch.
can you hold the umbrella too? i don´t want to carry too much
The perfect wife!
The crate beast, about to attack
Im not a bad husband; see, I let her out of her cage once in a while
do you need a hand with that love, no,ok
Carling don't make wives but if they did they would be the best wives in the world
You sir have won the man Olympics
Well, you think about that next time you sleep with my brother.
Meanwhile in Turku, Finland...
Man of the Year
Gender equality - women fought for that.
Feminism: you're doing it wrong...
You know you're Australian when....
Wifes: Because the beer is heavy
hey lady you got a match?
Fake and gej, this ammount of beer, no one is able to carry that weight.
A sandwich. A blow job. And SHE paid for the beer.