Other's Explanations
Damn, people were bored before the internet.
"This bike, you see, is a model of contemporary society. At the top we have the leader, deciding where to go. Below, we have the working classes, which is what keeps society moving. Women do most of their work at home, sewing, or if they are pretty enough, need not work at all." "It looks like it could fall over at any moment." "As I said, this bike is a model of contemporary society..."
New pants delivered in 30 minutes or your money back.
Toyota, the beginning..
She said she couldn't hem my pants and ride a bike at the same time.
The Adams Family ... before the accident.
Family Vacation... you're doing it wrong
is called multi-tasking
multi-tasking bitch!!!!
familicycle the new bike for all the family
hurry up i,m getting the stitch!
that is sew cool!
Although the rest of the family enjoyed Bicycle-Sewing Wednesday, little Suzie held on for dear life and prayed as hard as ever she could that she was adopted.
Schwinn powered sewing machine
What the hell Dad?! I'm sitting right here!!!
Stopping at the light IS going to hurt...
The Adams Family ... before the accident.
Damn, people were bored before the internet.