Other's Explanations
In Soviet Russia, missile fires you!
Mission Impossible 4 - even more ludicrous...
budget cuts had hit the us air force the worst
Chuck Norris is more dangerous than a nuclear weapon. Impressive.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Oh him? He's just my wingman.
prototype for the original air force one automated targetting system
Not what I meant when I said I wanted to get bombed.
The military is a bit under budget lately...
Hang on..............you want me to do what again?
The government said there would be cut backs.
Canadian airforce has a new special bomb.
Top Gun with a gun
Budget cuts....
"...and you are the wimp beneath my wings!"
weapon of mass destruction
Fly by !
The new jet-powered-rocket-powered-pistol: pop a mach 3 cap in someone's ass today.
James, is that you?
millitary buget cuts ..
his chances of comming home alive.....
new car of agent 007
You know I trust you Lt. Bush, but are you sure this will work when we get to Osama's Hideout ??
US Air Force secret weapon: RDS-46 Chucky Chuckle Norris Special weapon for Kim Jong-Un, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Vladimir Putin, & Fidel Castro.
I'm really fed up with the childish rant about "IN SOVIET RUSSIA" this and that! First of all, there hasn't been a Soviet Russia since 1922. Since it was Soviet Union and now Russia. Furthermore that "in Soviet Russia" is just plain childish. What are you, 10 yrs?
Budget cuts were rough this year.
new smart missile system
Bob didn't like his new commute to work, but it did wonders for his hair.
U.S. army crissis
Optimus Prime mid-change.
Q's new delivery system!!
My name is Bond!James Bond!!!! this is Q's new delivery system!
JOHN! LAUNCH THE MISSILE!!!!! --------------
The U.S. Army had to do a few cutback
top secret experiment no. 1483202: what to do if all your ammo is out, but you still have your handgun, while flying over enemy territory
Scene from the 2010 remake of Dr. Strangelove
if i shoot a gun faster than the bullet can travel will it backfire? hmm lets get wasted and find out!!! HOOHA!!!
The military it REALLY cutting back on weapon expenses.
its a jacki shan missile XD zooomg! 10 times more destructive then a atomic bomb!
Someone tried to think they were Chuck Norris ... FAIL
That's the backup system
real metal slug
In Soviet Russia, missile fires you!