Other's Explanations
McDonald's: the same shit wherever it is.
I'll get a McLadin, anthrax on the side please
As a result of the recession affecting international markets, McDonalds franchise fees suddenly became much lower......
no scorpions included,
Big business in the Obama recession.
WTF we dont serve beef here!!!
alalalalalallalla welcome to jihad burger may I take your order
I want it with extra curry
It's like Benihana, except I hear crying animals for some reason...
I would like a sandwich, sand fries, and a sand coke.
Seems Legit
free cash!!
Iraqi McDonalds... Over 3 people served!!!
Does the Mc'Jihad meal come with a turban or a bomb this week?
seems legit
Ghetto Mcdonalds
In America, all things are bigger. In India, all things are smaller
Outdoor mental asylum art class
This is how McDonalds started.
"Billions and Billions (of bacteria) Served"
they should sue the american ``McDonalds´´ for stealing their idea!!!!
Do you want fries with that ???
Hmmm seems legit....
that's not realy mc donalds.... it's burger king!
Actually tastes better then back home...
Franchise - You're doing it wrong!
copywrite infringement
happy meal's on wheel's
"Would you like an I.E.D. with your fries?"
America, Attempting to spread it's obesity to Africa since 1908
Obama's Stimulus Plan - Over 4 jobs created (or saved)
"I'm Shovin' It"
this is in iran not iraq u twat lmao
Please pick up your mccurry at the second windows please.
if you pay 50 c, you can have 1k of C4
IED Burgers now on sale!!!
Prototype for the new McDonalds on Iceland
McDonald's: the same shit wherever it is.