Other's Explanations
Chuck Norris had a huge cock at a young age, but he's been a badass since birth.
Micky started smoking at an early age, but his brother, Johnny, was chicken.
chicken little
Oscar Wilde Family Photo Album - Oscar's First Big Cock
I was the toughest kid in school plus I had the biggest cock.. kiefer sutherland.
But the trend would have never have taken off without the internet as it's impossible
I guess we know who came first...
That's a young cock smoker!
Yeah...They come to snuff the rooster.
Chuck-E-Cheese' new bouncers. One is 'Hard' the other is 'Scrambled'
- "The hell you looking at uncle?" - "Yo chickie go see what uncle Sanders wants!"
I'm delusional, what's your problem?
Yeaaaaahhh. They come to snuff the rooster.
"Fag!" "Cock!"
Good evening gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to my rooster.
Whats it to ya toots, scram before I make a meal of ya.
Friends and family knew there was something "different" about little Stevie, show here at age 5, doing a fatty with his then lover, outside their Castro St. flat.
Fuck It! i will eat him for christmas
Chuck norris wasn't born, he was summoned into existence... because crawling out of a womans vagina is the most unmanly thing u can do
"Two's up on that blunt then kid?"
Im sorry but this is no Cock....
which came first, the chicken or the egg
Oh so you think I'm cocky cause I smoke cigarettes. Well you should see my brother.
The little boy is Flapjack, the cigarette is full of unicorn weed, and the chicken is Knuckles!!!
that's a girl
Same hairdo. Cute!
Ah the older times... they were fucking messed up.
Al Capone, in his early life, the making of the gangster king! ....Leticia Alaniz
kids were much tougher back in the olden days
Chuckie the chicken wondered when the kid was gonna start buying his own smokes, and stop stealing his..?
its flapjack! http://flapjack.tv/assets/images/flapjack-01.jpg
What a cocky little shit.
Scarface: age 5.
future pornstar look at all the signs
My first time Ibecome a man! Picture of me and my first lady!
Chuck Norris had a huge cock at a young age, but he's been a badass since birth.