Other's Explanations
Every time Angelina & Brad plan a vacation, orphanages throughout Asia look for creative ways to outshine the competition.
Strangest ring toss prize EVER
Exercising your baby has never been easier with the Donut Express! Just fill the sink with ordinary tap water, set it, and forget it. Go to the store, meet friends at a party, take that weekend off you been wishing for. When you return home your baby will be ready for a nap. What could be easier?!
I'll take that big one in the corner...steamed please!
Pfft.. Japanese zoos these days..
Buy one get one free
"now kids if you look through this window you'll see Brad and Angelina attempting to purchase the babies in front of us"
unfortunetely the inflatable donuts got removed
Asian aquariums: where the worst **** go.
lifebelt testers at work
There just teaching them how to swim!!! xD
Sorry there is no more red fish but...
With the "1 child only" laws, the birth of twins has become a fatal spectator sport.
♫♪ How much is that baby in the window? ♫♪ The one with the ring around his neck. ♫♪
rule 34
saves a mint in diaper costs ... hey what's that floating ...
Cabbage Patch Hydroponics
I'll take the one on the left, white rice and a spring roll please.
Sweet Baby Sweet:NOW ON SALE
Water bobbing baby boarding
lawsuit in 3... 2... 1...
Just put it in water and look...it grows babies!
Chinese population control
I'm from Spain and I live in China, (this pic is Chinese) and this is a great way to exercise your baby. The place is really nice, warm and have a great service, where the staff take care of your baby for a while. Swimming, cleaning him/her and all that. Obviouly the person that posted this pic has no idea about anything, probably his/her education is lower than people in the 3rd world. Congratulations!
Donuts: Now with 100% more baby
Teacher: and to your left is babies in a ring in water,now lets go check out the food court where the special is Live Octopus..
Braking story: china learns to grow babies like rice in water. news at ten
China's revolutionary baby weight loss plan. How do you exercise your baby you ask, when it's limbs aren't fully developed. Well you stick a blow up ring around it's neck of course and then stick it in some water in the sink. Baby shed pounds in seconds or your money back. No returns accepted and company takes no liability if baby drowns.
mommy! mommy! i want that one!!
Everybody step right up for the orphanage ring toss!
Make your choice. $5 per bet. Guess who will be alive longer!
Is this The Sims?
Every time Angelina & Brad plan a vacation, orphanages throughout Asia look for creative ways to outshine the competition.