Other's Explanations
I almost made it
Allmost 2010... Still no flying cars.
Levitation: we're working on it
Yes! it's a woman!
"I was totally sober when this happened"
Missed by *that* much.
eval kineval's daughter didnt exactly inherit her fathers abilities
New car sales lot doesn't have the desired affect.
eval kineval's daughter didnt exactly inherit her dads abilities
and to think I was all worried about making it through all those holes...
Hold my beer and watch this
I almost made it..
"Okay, let me get this straight. I can't park here?"
soo many holes, if I was a horny car I would get frustrated too...
just... just don't look at it ok?!
Meh i gotta small runup
Dude, This isnt where i parked my car?
Temptation. Admit it you would thought about it.
see honey thats wat happens when u go down on me while im driving!!! damn WOMAN!!!
Dukes of Hazzard.. You're doing it wrong.
ASIANS: always driving like shit
Tetris for firemans !
Dukes of dumb asses.
cocaine its a hell of thing
what seems te be the officer, problem?
Cut! Let's do it again!
ohhhhhhh shittttttttttt, hubby be mad oh oh
Gaz-Gaz Team
Dude, where's my car? Where's my car dude?
I think there's a problem with the GPS...
Don't forget where we parked
I thought the road was supposed to be finished.
The Duke boys sure got themselves in a pickle this time... damn these modern vehicles...
They didn't think i could do it but..................THEY WERE RIGHT!!!
Allmost 2011... Still no flying cars.
She'll be sooooo impressed by how bad ass i am by taking this detour road :)
Clark Griswald must be taking another road trip..
Damn ! but it seemed so easy for James Bond...
Do you think we should just leave it there?
how the fuck did this happen
Ummm... Oops?
dig it!
Hey Doc, we don't have enough road to get up to 88.
Dad, there's something I need to tell you...
Need for Speed FAIL
Cobra 11 cut scene...
berlina's trial world cup 2009
I almost made it