Other's Explanations
What a grasshole!
You laugh, but this is amazing stoned.
from the makers of the hamster wheel we bring you the all new eco hippie friendly Hippie Grass Wheel
Because some guys just don't know the true meaning of "rolling grass"
That makes the term "Go green" a little too far.
going to a hippy festival in the 21st century
Where will ya park it?
haters gonna hate
The grass is always greener on the other side.
how does it turn?
Doing a Barrel Roll - Oh Snap.
"Didn't you read the sign: Don't step on grass?"
won't the dirt fall in your hair?
be more natural :D.....by greenpeace
The Entity, hippy version.
Please keep off the grass? Yeah, right!
He's Cross-County grassing
So it IS possible to glue dirt!
"thats one grassy hole!"
"You look dumb too, you know?"
And on the next busy sidewalk, he will turn into an unsensitive @$$hole.
cross-section of the world's most powerful blunt
That would come in handy in Alaska.
Its grass on the go. Never leave home without it.
Taking Going Green to the Extreme,
Doing a Barrel Roll - OH Right
He likes the feels of grass on his feet alotttt, to like fetish standard
going to object against all 'dont walk on the grass' signs!!
Try telling that bastard to keep off the grass. I guarantee he'll just rip it up, 'n take it with him. Ah the sweet smell of human ingenuity.
i want this!
But i can't stay off the grass!
Grass TO GO!!! Buy it NOW!!
Dude this is pretty fudging bad ass I don t know what's wrong with you guys
The "only" way to walk barefoot to work!
going green is harder than I thought
if this is a grasshole,what's the vagina version
my car saves me money!
kid:"mum, where did dad go?" mum:"he went to have a walk at his park"
i walk on the grass anytime i want!
everyday is like a walk in the park
breaks off! lols -foools
theres some green stuff around your hole... gonorrhea?
How do you mow that? Just set the mower inside, turn it on, and move the wheel 'bout 15 feet.
The Grass Is Greener On The Other Side
Just so he could walk barefoot.
Now you can have some weed no matter where you go.
"No Andrew youre doing it wrong,your are supposed to roll it AND smoke it"
"IT's better than flying !"
god damn hippies!
One of the fine jobs created by government stimulus
I'm green while traveling
A rolling stone gathers no moss. A rolling moss, however, gathers a stoner
He likes the feels of grass on his feet alotttt, to like fetish standard
Why is that guy's hamster wheel not attached to the ground?
Rollin some grass
Hes not on the crosswalk! GET HIM!
Portable walk in the park.
vegetarian hamster wheel
Neville had always wanted to be part of the "Hole in the Street" gang
How to use: Put this up in your house like a hamster-wheel and you can walk your dog without ever leaving your house! ... Brilliant!!
Everywhere you gooo...always take the 'contryside' withyou...
Used in a laundry detergent commercial
mowing the lawn with a riding lawn mower must be a blast
I'm allergic to shoes and gravel
This is the eco-friendly car. Not only are you protecting the earth, you are risking your life doing it. How nice are you!
shit! who spit this gum on my head?!
I dont walk on street. I walk grass. Grass is good. Its green. ;0
this man is my hero
That looks amazingly comfortable.
are you tired of concrete? well now theres the new GRASS WHEEL! (no humans included)
now repeat after me...be the grass!!! ..... feel the grass!!!....smoke the grass!!!... walk the grass!!!...YOU ARE THE GRASS...WOOOSSSAAAA
What a grasshole!