Other's Explanations
Paparazzi find one of the few pussies Tiger Woods HASN'T been in.
National Geographic has really gone downhill.
"I don´t have the Orion belt anymore!!"
The last cat in Asia!
I should never have dated Garfield!
Taking pic of pussy,Daammnnn!!! you doing it sooo right
That lamp post is crooked.
Stuart Little??? I don't eat him!!! I SWEAR!!!!
After the bombing at the Oscars the paparazzi were running out of things to photograph
NYAN cat ... clean!
You're all a bunch of idiots. The photographers, not the postersof course. Except for that one, that assumes this is the closest we get to getting vagina- I'm pretty sure I spend 150.00 USD a day for my vagina fix.
Pictured: the internet
Meanwhile in Tumblr...
I Swear! Justin Bieber Just turned into this cat!
Paw- parazzi
the cat says: Im so tired with my pets around me haaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy.........
when a group of 40 year old virgins see a pussy for the first time.
...lady gagas new outfit?!
It's a dog..
This was taken when Bill Clinton was elected - this was his cat "Socks"
Let's face it. It's the closest any of these guys will ever get to some pussy...
obvisly it's stealth ninja kitteh and poeples just wanna take a pic of him
It's a dog..
omg a cat, Work It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I-Its a CAT!! Guys, come check this!! ITS A CAT!! :O Halleluja OwO
"William and his fellow WoW clan didn't quite understand the moderators insult of 'You faggots need to find some pussy!.' "
that man has the most amazing pony tail mullet i have EVER seen
This is what Animal Planet is now
The paparazzi love getting pics of Garfield's mistress.
Shooting Pussy : "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!"
It's 'Socks', Bill Clinton's pussy.
it's a dog
the cat says: Im so tired with my pets around me haaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy.........
Paparazzi find one of the few pussies Tiger Woods HASN'T been in.