Other's Explanations
Gotta catch em all (the freaks with pokemon shirts)
Respect my Authority
Actually, this shirt is pretty cool!
Let me show you my "Poke'mon".
My pokemon's bring all the nerds to the yard and they're like, you wanna trade cards, damn right i wanna trade cards, i can trade you, but not my Charizard
Gotta catch em all.. PoKeMoN!
I'm lovin' the beer gut <3
pokemon pimp
gotta wear the pokémon shirt to work to impress the ladies.
i am so NOT gonna catch'em all
His online dating profile picture.....no reponses yet?
well u gotta have BALLS to wear something like that
Saddest of all: that's not a t-shirt.
Gotta catch em all (the freaks with pokemon shirts)