Other's Explanations
Speedo Bear
LOST, final episode... Bears are coming !
Pedo Bear catch loli as it fall from tha sky
The little known Care bear: Hurricane Bear
The tsunami brought more than just water...
Hurricane Ike is a ruse, Pedobear is using the panic to capture many young children.
A black guy photobombs weather bear trying to do a storm report.
Speedo Bear
Ku-Klux-Klan has new dresscode now
mandatory ejaculation
Pedobear Got lost
Naughty Bears hurricane Ike map pack.
Photo proof of the existence of Ike, the dancing bear, was obtained this week on the coast of Galveston, Texas.
Ike is the name of the little boy pedobear stole
this is bear brand!!!
Grin and bear it
As a side effect of the polar ice melting, the polar bears turned brown ... ish
Found Him !!!
Pedobear helps tracking the El Nino
hurricane ike also dubbed "pedobear"is heading this way.evacuate all children!!!
black people are allowed on tv???
And this was the last picture transmitted by the camera, showing the old ones rising from the depths of an aeon long slumber, walking onward, destruction in their path.
The real reason for the evacuations.
Can't we just get along??!!
"so as you can see the weather has OHHH GOD SAVE US THEY'RE BACK!!!"
In a very rare sighting, the sexual criminal known as 'Pedobear' was spotted recently, attempting to sneak up on someone with a marine attack.
Long walks on the beach aren't just for humans, you know.
pedo bear killed ike
why are half the coments dum fucking 9 year old puns
Tracking Ike... Ike, get out of the damn bear suit.
pedo bear storm incomming!!!
Its the Bad News Bears!
Meth Is One Hell Of A Drug
its the "others"
"...and with the storm approaching, it's getting pretty dark out here - in fact, it's DONNIE Darko out here!"
Pedobear is branching out. He's not just after children anymore...
hurricane ike bears down on texas!
We weren't prepared for the full wrath of El Nino.
pedo bear is after obama
Pedo Bear isnt after litle kids anyymorree hahaha
previously, on lost...
All I said was "wear the Speedo or you can go bare".
After the succes of bear force one. They took it to the next level => Bear force 12+
so...the Sea Bear from spongebob was real at all
Sadly Hurricane Ike came looking for Tina at my house because it was ripped apart. Glad to see our beaches are getting back to norm. I do remember watching that news cast before the power was wiped out from Ike, we laughed out butts off.
The Pedo-Bear Attacks
So he is going under the name"Ike" now, eh
AHHH!!!! its PEDO BEAR!!!!
I hate when that happens.
i gues ike was a pedo bear
They said if you went down to the local woods not beach doh!
ima let you finish, but new orleans had the best flooding
planet of the Teds
Black guy loots honey during hurricane evacuations and is pursued.
As pedo bear rises from his home at see a hurricane breaks out warning all unlucky people in its path
Lost 'Rainbow' tapes Bungle shock!
Do you get excited when writing the word "pedobear"? That seems to be a some kind of an unhealthy obsession to you. Why can't you people just write about molestation, child abuse etc? Or just stop commenting!
A submarine bear.
Pedobear first TV appareance !
i'm telling you, i saw man-bear-pig go that way
Ike ? I got candy !
Speedo Bear
No no, the hurricane is happening somewhere south, this is clearly in the north, where the exacuation is because there is a Pedobear on the loose.
Winnie The pooh still remain a MOTHER FUCKER !! Fuck you honey eater !!!
that isnt pedo-bear thats just good ol' blackguyrape-bear
Ah, there you are Ike, you had us worried!
Media hype ruins kids birthday party. Dancing Bear kicks reporter's ass.
There was no bloody raincoats left man!
weather bear.. stay the f**k outta the way
just ignore it...its not real...
"Ike" is a serial killer who wears a bear costume. HE FOUND US DUDE!
Ike was always the angry kind of bear.
Broadcasting live from the coast of the Bearing Sea!
PedoBear makes his debut in a reality
Pedo-bear, is Ike your new victim?
Pedobear on vacation.
There is a bug on my linse...oh, nevermind.
BREAKING NEWS! Pedo Bears are attacking near the coast!
Michael Phelps practice day....
Controlroom: Cut to comericals! Now!!! Damn it people! Who said that Ike was a storm?
I told you not to mess with climat change!!!
"But pedobear said I was "too old""
Speedo Bear