Other's Explanations
три мента
Death is always preceded by the goat of doom
Goats who stare at men
3 cops
David Blaine goat convinces you to see a ghost in the picture.
Ey, GRIM, stay off the FUCKING grass!
I ain't 'fraid of no goats
who let the goats out?
три козла))
It translates as "Three Men". In other words the men are also goats. You'd have to be Russian or at least have an understanding of Russian humor to "get it".
It looks shop'd
is that the grim reaper in the background?
Stan and Ollie are back!!!
So... have you met my wife?
because goats want to be photobombers too
OH SH** there's a goat in the front RUUUNN!!!
Good goats go to pasture. Bad goats go to Яussiaи police, baby!
who stoned the goat?
in soviet russia goats arrest you
Is it just the ganga or are there two policemen behind me?
Russian K-9
de devil its overthere fuck!!
wtf is that shit in the backgrownd?
because using police-dogs was so easy....
Meanwhile in Russia...
sargent: thas was some wird-tasting water
look into the eyes... not around the eyes.... YOU'RE UNDER
Quick, get on the train over there while these 2 arn't looking.
In Russia and all past Soviet Union countries - policeman is a "goat" - in slang. The picture calls "Three cops"
the next comment always gets posted as the title.
3 goats - not cops !!!
You only think you see death.....its really the goats eye of doom.
He doesn't know what he's doing either.
now turn your head and cough
Venom in the background, anyone?
Whos that trip tropping across my chechpoint?
Goaty, ATTACK!
And.... Im scared... HELP ME MOMMEH!!!
David Blaine goat convinces you to see a ghost in the picture. +34 3 cops +31 Goats who stare at men +22 sargent: thas was some wird-tasting water
In soviet Russia, goat eats YOU!
theres a goat and 2 cops witch means they are calling the cops goats wich in russian means assholes
soviet Russia got stares at men.
The Men Who Stare at Goats gone wrong--The Goats Who Stare at Men
The pilot for Russian Twilight Zone. I didn't make it...
Is that a black figure in the background
В Советской России козел ест тебя!
"Now, my hell goat... ATTACK!" "Derpdy derp derp!"
Introducing new russians police-goats
Russian G9
stupid people are always in the background
2 goats 1 cop
Soviet Russia's first line of defense: The Deathstare Goat.
Men who dont care bout goates!
IN SOVIET RUSSIA... Goat stares at men- OSHITHEISLOOKING. RUN! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Men_Who_Stare_at_Goats
Че там за странная фигура в черном на задне плане?..
не хера не смешно
Три козла :)
In Soviet Russia, goats stare at you.
Oh great....................MORE men that stare at goats!
Goat: " Eh, you! Never seen Police?? *crack* Ouch! Damn you!"
Oh Laddergoat, you're so random.
In Russia the police is similar on goats
3 goats - not cops!!!
The new film by David Lynch
hitlets sidekick
We dont need woman
They couldn't afford to hire drama lama.
3 goats - not cops !!!
Little does he know, that will be the last cigarette that he ever smokes....
omg, in the background, its death!!!!!!!!
apparently retarded goats are normal in russia
Hard? I do this fucking faceroll
In US cops are pigs, in Russia - goats.
we pass the weed around here, even to the goats.
Did anyone notice the dead shi-tzu in the doorway?
David Blane goat convinces you to see a ghost in the picture.
"Look into my eyes! Look into my eyes!"
Good goats go to pasture. Bad goats go everywhere else, baby!
you maaaaaaad bro? btw, there is a ghost back there.
I am your Ma-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-aster!
The guard in the right have a gun ^^
три мента