Other's Explanations
No Catholic priests allowed?
why are the fun things always banned?
Der shticken van der wurst inda pippensqueakin is verboden mit der skis on!
The pedophile slope is on the other mountain...
blue men group are not allowed to ass rape little blue kids while skating.
What's wrong with the guys face?
One more place NAMBLA isn't welcome.
Children are not allowed to stab people's feet while getting ass raped
*pedobear cries*
You must be this tall to ride.
Teaching is not allowed here!
"look, you put it thiss far up there, then you put your first through his back and grab it...
Please no raping of children while skiing.
Michael jakson isn't allowed
You must be this tall to ride.
Please do not rub your penis on a child while holding a spear with your skis on. That would be weird.
This sign is simply telling you to not put your penor in a childs anal holio while skiing with sharp objects... cuz that would be.. raep..!
Do you get excited when writing the word "pedobear"? That seems to be a some kind of an unhealthy obsession to you. Why can't you just write about molestation, child abuse etc?
No Catholic priests allowed?