Other's Explanations
If you see 4 hot babes here, it's time to put the beer down and go home.
ok dad you can be in the photo
One of these things is not like the other...
For some reason Maureen was never as popular as the other girls.
Find the error!!! He didn't unbutton he pants...
the three on the left,...the girls you think your taking to online...the guy on the right...who your really talking to online
"That one on the right... I think she'll need a little bit of extra airbrushing."
I'd do him
In this photo: Gold digger1, gold digger2, gold digger3 and millionaire
"Ok, Number 4? Can you step forward and say, 'Hey honey - you looking for a good time?' "
This is a photo that is 3/4 right...
spot the odd one out, i'll give you a clue. look at their jeans
The only requirement for the photoshoot was "a firm B cup"
The "Gay Boy" test. If you see a fat man, I have some bad news for you...
"OH, my god!, i'm cumin' oh! oh o--- OH F*CK!... WHAT--- i didn't see that...--- Am i gay now?"
^_^ boooobies =]
OK, so whose was the D cup?
Yeah, yeah, awe yeah, awee, that just got it down
I just wanted to fit in
No matter how hard frank tried he would never be america's next top model.
hell, i'll act like a douche if it means i can be in his place.
Hello, HELLO, HELLO!! nvm
these hands are ruining this picture
Well, he does have the biggest boobs in the picture...
i think its the tanorexic that ruins this family photo! hehe
Hot girl on strike.
The beginning of John Kruk's modelling career.
someone knows the name on the third one? next to the ugly man
There is a spy among us...
Well... atleast, HE IS with 3 topless hot girls
Mr. Kaspersky Fail
Come on! Let me be in the picture! I've got bigger titties than *these* bitches.
Jeans - makes everyone something special
Wait! There's something wrong...
Man boobs - aren't better than the real thing
That dudes got it going on
The new generation of model!
who'syour daddy?
Only the darker skinned chick is hot
Our milkshakes brought one of the boys to the yard.
Pedobear strikes again!
Now you know why "Charles (Charlie) Townsend" used a speaker box!
Hey! Who let the janitor in here?
It's cheerleader effect if you see 4 hot babes.
Did you know Toby keith was a part time model before his singing career!!!!
The difference between "insies" & "outies" finally depicted!!
myyyy milkshake brings all the boys to the....wait wheres everyone going
We have a spy amongst us.
Lucky Bastard.
The (Fat-Redneck-not-really-going-to-die) 'Make-A-Wish Foundation'
At least he didn't unbutton his pants like the women?
That Vincent D'Onofrio really knows how to get into character for a part.
One of these things is not like the others!
who is the brown girl? SHE'S HOT!
your doin it wrong
The four candidates for the itty bitty titty committee president
Ok, so I have no caption for this image, but I've been laughing for about ten minutes now and I nearly pissed my pants.
Just like his agent said....Hank never worked in the tri-state area again.
WHAT! No nipplez???
who is the brown girl? SHE'S HOT!
lucky fat b*stard.
Mensa quiz Item #1- Abstract reasoning.
Hot girls always screw fat guy's ads!
WTF! Three hot topless chicks and the guy's hands are on a his OWN chest?
Hey! YOU called me! You haven't seen my book before??
4th one is hottest...
After a failed career as a fashion model, Porkins became an x-wing pilot
Soo that's Charlie!
oh my god!! so THATS Victoria's secret??!!
Even old, fat ugly people can get lucky.
"blending it... some just cant do it"
It's actually the same girl each time. The "before" photo is on the right.
The new PETA photoshoot includes the hairy animal you could be saving.
Just to show you who your really looking at. :)
Fitting in: Your doing it wrong
is there something wrong here or is it just me...
when i decided to be in this photo i didnt realise you needed to have size C+ Ohh well For the fellows :D
Lucky pathetic bastard!!!
Self administered breast exams: they're not just for women anymore
I'd do the one on the right.
Cover of National Inquirer: Det. Goren stopped taking his meds and wandered onto a porno set.
cheerleader effect
are you gay? if you notice the fat guy fisrt, i have bad new for you ...
The Ugly Duckling, which is similar to this case, should help us understand that not all people are the same. LITERALLY. But the Ugly Duckling did a HELL of alot better than this guy!
She looks like a man but is my sister. She have hormonal problems (do not tell her, please)
Dear Penthouse!
Victoria Secret's new summer line up...
The tan girl is the hottest
Fap Fap Fap on no girls *stops fapping*
Some guys get all the chicks...
Oh shit!!! i missed to photoshop the last on the right
Dad! we told you, you have to find your own photoshoots!!
New EU-Directive: In the whole workforce a gender quota of at least 25 % is to be observed
Student in the next slide we bring in three under average plain women but when presented with a great contrast they seem very beautiful.
I'll take the one on the far right with a side of fries.
Not exactly. If you see one hot babe on the far right and highly unattractive guys, it's time to put the beer down and go home.
the next photo taken after this is gore.
If you see 4 hot babes here, it's time to put the beer down and go home.