Other's Explanations
56th Royal Engineers pose with their new mine detecting kit
not a coincidence...
aim at the black kid, he might get away
We have the SAILORS, We have the REALLY BIG ANCHOR!.....Now our navy just has to buy a boat!
Why are the all pointing their guns at the brown guy?
Gimme t hose cheeks boy
Yeah, they joke with him a lot. But his dad owns all the FREAKIN' shops in Ireland!
Army 2012 After the "Dont ask dont tell" policy is relived
guess who the paki is
What happens when you tell without being asked
damn sucks to be him!
The other black guy in laying down behind them.
we shoot at blacks and we shoot at god!
Now it's time for "Good idea, bad idea"
The Swedish navy prepare them self for hunting Somalian pirates.
56th Royal Engineers pose with their new mine detecting kit