Other's Explanations
That's why you CAN'T be the master.
Buzz off, Grasshopper! I'm doing a speech!
I can do this all day. Watch. ... Smackin ya smackin ya, smack smack smackin ya, smack smackin ya... Now with the other hand. SMACK!
That fool got bitch slapped.
Get off me you homo, I'm going home.
chuck norris aged 90
Try to move my hand... YOU HAVE FAILED! You see this is an idiot...
MY Potatoes!
And this is our distinguished guest Mr Ah........ ohh.
Outa my way, coming through!
You bore me, go an get chuck Norris ...
Time for you to leave.
...All I Need Is FORCE
What do I keep telling you, do NOT walk into my fist.
Son, I...am...dissapoint...
First Prototype talking watch
Third degree blackbelt in pimp hand.
boring warrior path...
what? that's Morihei Ueshiba, Aikido Master
That's why you CAN'T be the master.