Other's Explanations
For a dollar guess which cap the pope is under
Time to change the batteries on the RoboPope.
Now he's jewish...now he's catholic!...jewish, catholic, jewish...heeheehee
"yep, hes still there
If i switch our caps, everyone will think I'M the pope!
It is ALWAYS "funny hat day" when you are the Pope.
He knows Waldo could be anywhere
Now where did that little boy go?
Traditionally there is a rabbit under the hat... not a rabbi
Sir, touching of these breast implants is not a sin, right?
New Sith Lord actor for next Star Wars episode revealed!!!
Even popes get checked for lice
Its are record change.
Howdy.. Howdy.. Howdy..Keep up.. These religious people came all the way from Texas
maybe I'll find the truth under here..nope! still looking!
I know that fly is in there somewhere
Sorry Pope, this is my bowl (;
The correct technique for solo-ing on pope.
"and for the main course..."
"I'm sorry Your Holiness, I thought Remy was moving your arms..."
"In order to steal the cap without trigger the pope-alarm you must quickly replace the replica onto the preassure pad"
I'm gonna get this f'n fly no matter what!
It will never boil if you keep taking the lid off..
Guess, what did he find under the popes cap?
Hold still ... I've got the perfect things to catch that fly!
Indiana Jones!
"The old Testament with the Hi-tops or the old Testament with the lo's?"
Pope Benedict gets his second cap for Vatican FC ...
HAHAHA the ol' switcher-roo
Hmmm. Do you think both on is too Mickey Mouse?
Oh! A crap-louse!
Three Pope Monte
I knew it, its empty. Who took the last damb cookies?!?
Now for the old switcharoo, oh yes this will get a fine price on eBay.
Now now, let me change the batteries and you will be popeing in a second.
The ol' switcheroo.
time to change your diaper
Oh!! mother fucker! it`s not real tits
Raiders of the Lost Ark concept intro sequence
Heh-Heh-- this new one's a yarmulka.
It's a miracle. The Rogaine is actually working.
"look at what kind of fascinating jobs you can find in the classifieds! here's an interesting one.... Pope's sweaty hat changer..." there is truly a job for everyone...
Indiana Jones's next adventure...
Dish of today
what fukin day is it again???
Priest: Hmm, that's strange. Where's the rabbit at?
I hate playing horsey with His Holiness - I only ever get to do the sound effects.
¿dónde está la mosca aquí o aquí?
Cup game with the pope
Holy Cheese cake Bat Man it's the Pope !
"Let's see... which cup size fits this boob..."
Hmm It's not a wig!
Roger screws up again
And for my next trick, I'll pull an altar boy out of my rectum!
rudolf hess?
how can he not notice, that he is wearing a giant diaphragma on his head?
For a dollar guess which cap the pope is under