Other's Explanations
Even in hell Coke Zero isn't all that refreshing
Didn't you know it is never good to mix acid and coke?
This is what happens when you look at a coke bottle and say "Brrrrrr"...
When I woke up I had the weirdest dream ...
When I woke up, I couldn't help but think, "Did they really knock me out using a soda bottle to the face?"
It's a bottle of Coke Zero photographed in a long exposure ............... What? Were you expecting another "In Soviet Russia, Coke snorts YOU, ..." joke, or one of those "Still Photography. You're doing it wrong", or one of those sick Micheal J Fox's "observations", or a "Yo Dawg, I herd you like Coke when you do coke ......". Well, not here bub. This is barnyard serious ......
death metal coka cola zero
contains no drugs. BULL SHIT!!
Wtf? I Had a Vanilla Coke
The prefered beverage in HELL! The real thing ...baby.
Even in hell Coke Zero isn't all that refreshing