Other's Explanations
Chocalate milk!
For the last time, officer! I was not masturbating! I was milking myself!
How Now Brown Cow?
How udderly ridiculous.
Kids wanna tip me over, kid's gonna get stabbed.
"It's Black, It's White It's Tough For You To Get By It's Black , It's White, Whoo"
Got Milk....Bitch?
uh.....wow i dont know what to say......
Police report says black but i'd say hes MOO....lato
The milks gone bad
hhhhmm, his utters are white. It's gotta be fake.
Got Milk
shit timmy escaped out my basement
Notorious c.o.w.
phew. they finally got the "black bro' cow". they ended the chocolate milk madness!
mommy iz this were choleocalate milk comes from
this is "utter"ly Disturbing........
an cocao stealer has been captured!
You might have heard news reports about mad cow disease and wondered: What the heck is that?
Chocolate Rain..
no officer, it was the udder one
utterly dispicable
Overheard at police line-up: "Ummm... I'm just not sure."
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...
This is a cowtastrophe!
Arrested for asking people on the street to milk him.
I remember this mstory, this lady (its a woman, lol), was babbling about random shit and taking dumps on peoples porches
Arrested for Public Nudity.
Costume party at prison
He repeatedly professed his complete and udder innocence.
One of them is operational.
4 dicks are better than one.
why is the top comment always the same thing as it says under the picture???
wtf? the black guys only 5 foot 6!
I'd rather f**k a cow!
I know why this is funny! Because cows aren't supposed to be that tall !!!
BEEF, it's what's for dinner.
See.... what had happened was....
Moo, bitches!
Mad-cow disease
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
A wild Snorlax appeared!
casting for the new series of sesame street was going horribly wrong "one of these udders is having a good time..."
I'z was just doing my bizness wen ....straight up! This ole Mcdonald mutha f#$%^ put his hand up my ass!
now thats where my farmville cow went
this is not a happy cow...happy cows come from California....not jail
hmmmmmh....i feel more like it should be "STRAWBERRY MILK"
I warned you to eat mor chikin
Borat: milk chocolate face waa waa wee waaw
reno 911
Now I know why the chicken ran across the road.
WHAT THE HELL ......the hat's tied off-centre.
Cow and Kentucky Fried chicken
Safe to say, Shenequa was an UTTER embarrassment in the family
say "Cheese"
mad cow disease
You might have heard news reports about mad cow disease and wondered: What the heck is that?
Even cow-boys aren't that they used to...
expired milk
this is not a HOLY COW but it was "HOLY SHIT!"
oooooooo no¡¡¡¡¡¡ a cow eat fat albert or was twisted
Marvin Jones was booked last night for having illegal sex with an animal.Marvin cow ardly defense idea was not if he dressed like one.
Impursanating a cow on the cows mating season.
Actually that is a woman who went on a crime rampage while (for some reason) dressed as a cow. Good times.
Things got out of control at the National Meeting of Colored Cows.
Furries are taking things just too far...
that bitch farmer tried to squeeze my tits, so i killed that hoe
he got milk
Impersonating a cow again, eh?
Choclate Rain was Busted!!! He was singing in the rain...
i swear I AM a cow. *ohshit am i wearing it backwards again?*
I just wanted them to taste, non-pasturized
He was in udder denial that he had a problem trying to trick the farmer into milking him.........
"i KneE thIs caMufLaje sUit was`n`t going to work"
Arrested for "public nudity"
so much for my cow tipping camo...
i sweare it was the other black guy in the cow costume that did it {
i don't see anything remarkable :\
Moo bitches, moo problems...
Chocalate milk!