Other's Explanations
so nancy...18 yet?
aww man... that bitch again?
hi, my name is steve and i don't wear shoes
The newest addition to the Bronx Zoo- White Kids
u r fukin with the wrong bitch, he is mine u whore!
Larry Clark presents more pret(e)entious shit
Mmm, you sho iz a purdy thing aintcha?
So i was sittin on a bench when these babes walked up...
Girl Talk... Only young boys aren't interested.. yet
That´s one badass cloud...
"There I was enjoying my park date when all of a sudden, my shoes turned into four little kids"
ahhh look who it is Sarah, your little sister... cock-blocker3000
ADHD Strikes again. "Oh look a bird"
Does anyone else feel photoshopped? I mean I know I'm real, but for some reason I just "feel" photoshopped. Like I have an outline and my shadows are all wrong. It is the strangest feeling.
Sock my bro's sock biatch.
so nancy...18 yet?