Other's Explanations
If you have a guys face and acne issues, paint yourself blue and nobody will notice.
I wish she would transform into... anyone else.
Dude looks like a lady.
X-Men, Fail!!
Lemmie guess.... Mutant... Right?
to the idiots saying this is from Avatar....it's Mystique from x-men...or at least an attempt
Smurfette after too many tequilas.
Even the Na'vi has the occasional fanta pants
I'm blue dabebi dabedaiiiiii!
Avatar fail
oompa loompa doopity doo
Mystiques' mother
It's a trap!!! the worst trap!!
Would you like a napkin? You've got a little something on your face, there.
Avatar gone wrong.
Nice arm
lepra fail!
Tranny Smurf.
If you have a guys face and acne issues, paint yourself blue and nobody will notice.