Other's Explanations
If you have a guys face and acne issues, paint yourself blue and nobody will notice.
I wish she would transform into... anyone else.
Lemmie guess.... Mutant... Right?
Dude looks like a lady.
X-Men, Fail!!
to the idiots saying this is from Avatar....it's Mystique from x-men...or at least an attempt
Smurfette after too many tequilas.
Even the Na'vi has the occasional fanta pants
I'm blue dabebi dabedaiiiiii!
Avatar fail
oompa loompa doopity doo
Mystiques' mother
Would you like a napkin? You've got a little something on your face, there.
It's a trap!!! the worst trap!!
Avatar gone wrong.
Nice arm
lepra fail!
Tranny Smurf.
If you have a guys face and acne issues, paint yourself blue and nobody will notice.