Other's Explanations
After a night of heavy drinking, Jim searched everywhere for his keys.
The first visitor to the Bush Library
Another AIG employee is born!
Captain Colon returning to his secret hidout
The birth of a lawyer...
http://www.puppiesandflowers.com/archives/2007/07/david_cerny_brown_nosers_insta.html this is contempory art
Finally I found it! And you thought the door to hogwarts was impossible to find...
its really loud, i can hardly hear myself think!!
How the heck did my keys get in THERE?!
Management training course - the Brown-nosing module.
He's looking for inner peace
Prostate checkk....SUPERSIZED!
What's that Lassy? Timmy's stuck in a giant anus again?
A la la la la long, looking in your big brown eye...
can u hear me now?
The other side of Mount Rushmore!
thats it. i'm going in.
This is relevant to my interests...
It's official: You're the biggest asshole I've ever seen!
Apparently Tommy Callahan convinced someone to actually stick his head up the butcher's ass.
'God i feel shit faced....
this is actually a statue from Czech sculptor David Cerny, when you look inside the butt-hole, there´s TV showing loop of Czech politicians)) find this quiet funny.
Do you have what it takes to be a professional sphincter inspector? Now taking applications for new students at Happy Butt College. Orientation classes start tomorrow, so don't delay. Those interested should bring toilet paper, flashlights, and noseplugs. Latex gloves are provided free of charge.
Oh no, Another Niger enters the world...
Mr. Giant. Time for your rectal exam.
Honey I shrunk the proctologist.
The irony is, his wife still left him, even AFTER he explained that Norah was Art.
Sense, This picture makes none.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the crap of a giant man, Be he alive, or be he dead I' hope don't have his cheeks to grind my head.
lift... and separate.
If you've heard of Entropa (eh, just wiki it), this was made earlier by the same guy. Inside is a TV screen displaying two people dressed like Václav Klaus and Milan Knížák (the director of the Czech National Gallery) feeding each other porridge to the tune of We Are the Champions. The artist had some kind of feud with them or somrthing.
Such a pain in the arse
Follow your dreams.........
mouth to ass reanimation.
...Alright, now cough!
'Now, where did my glasses go?'
Christopher Columbus finally discovers America.
sculptures at a park in San Francisco
My cat
Don't fart now!
What the hell did he eat?
Okay now you come on!
stop taking pictures and get me fucking out of here!
pedobears latest secret location
"Honey, I'm home!!!"
Art immitating life immitating art.
Hyperions first attempt at freeing the Titans... FAIL.
Honey I shrunk the proctologist.
Malcom was tired of having everyone tell him he had his head up his ass. Today, all that would change!
Is anyone home?
where is my shoe??
Did you check the other one?
I knew i could smell something
Deeper, baby, DEEPER!
I don't get paid enough for this....
it was time for tinys prostate check
"Hold on Jimmie! I'll get a rope!"
this is a sculpture from david cerny see - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Cerny
Kodak Moment!!!
And Christophe Colomb found America !
"Can you hear me now?" "Yes." "Good!"
Junkies, I shit 'em
They are sculptures made by a weird Czech artist, he made a lot of strange things...
And you think YOUR work is shit...
And not a single fuck was given that day
Avatar repairment centre
Obama's first birthday
No, I dont see any blockage!
wake up kids! its a beautiful day outside!
Being John Malkovich's colon
Can you HEAR me NOW?
Ornithologist Dan Curzon makes another scheduled inspection to check on the progress of the rare Poupeeng Pigeons of Pugsville. An endangered species, the Poupeeng Pigeons nest only in dark crevices of available sculptures and protruding rock formations which offer shelter from the weather. To keep the mother birds contented, Dan periodically adds cushiony toilet paper to their nesting alcove, which also allows easy cleanup later when the hatchlings do their doo-doo.
Why does this exist?
do me while i hold up this building
Being John Malkovich?
cavident check!!!!!!!!!!!
My avatar smells like shit.
Junkies, I shit 'em
Nope, Amelia Earhart isn't in here, either!
crack head
Who Knew - That construction for Obama's Presidential Library had already begun
After a night of heavy drinking, Jim searched everywhere for his keys.