Other's Explanations
bacon makes everything better
With her car in the shop, Michelle needed a new getaway vehicle for the bank heist
"Careful, a Romanian battle tank!"
You can put a girl with lipstick on a pig...
actually, bad photoshop
Best way to shoot your enemy first.. because he will laugh at you!
Walmart has everything!
GTA : Africa
Metal Gear Solid EXtreme!!!!
Pig Cavalry > Bear Cavalry
Wilber was an unwilling accomplice
"No time to explain! Just hop on quickly!"
dis is how i roll nigga
The recipe said fresh bacon. Wanda always took everything so literally.
this chick does definitely play minecraft ...
Zoey after she found out pigs are immune to infection
Screw a horse,I got a pig!
Pig Cavalry > Bear Cavalry
As Camilla attempted to cross the border, there was one thing she didn't count on: Her mount had the swine flu.
The 4th Volunteer Arkansas Cavalry: Protecting Your Freedoms Since 1863
In communist China...
East European Drive-by
How the Swine influenza became an epidemic
one of them is a undercover cop, can you guess which one?
Walking Dead Season 5
Pig cavalary
The resistance had budget cuts.
The next person to say pigs have swine dies.
Invisible Mount Chair
Bjork leading the swedish swine division
I smell a new video game right there.
I am the hunter of the savage mexican jungles...el RAMBO!
That day was born the legend of Pig Rider.
Montana has really gone to hell.
A bit of harmless lunchtime fun down at the bacon factory.
Psychological warfare is used to intimidate the aggressor that their apocalypse begins.
Laura Croft in: FARM RAIDER
My kind of woman.
this time it ain't japan
superpigwhorewoman will shoot you aggressively in the nut.
Definitely riding a pig and a gun makes her way hotter.
is that mj riding a pig and holding a gun?
No one wondered as to what she maybe packing in that hench ruck sack of hers?
And they rode off into the sunset...to fight another day.
One of them is a undercover, can you guess which one?
canadian army women force?
Racheal Ray goes hunting on wilbur's back
Riding the sausage, she's doing it right.
bacon makes everything better