Other's Explanations
Sign by ferris wheel: "You must be at least this white to ride."
It's the 15th Annual White Supremacist Fun Fair and Bake Sale!
You were right! I CAN see the cross burning from here!
In those days this was the only way to dry your freshly washed bedsheets...
KKK Fieldtrip
Hey dad, can I go to the Krazy and Kool Karnival?
-hmmm.I wasnt thinking that there are too many of them out of the circle before the ride.... -Are you alright ? you seem dizzy..
The KKK. It's not all cross-buring and lynching!
Senator Robert Byrd's family reunion.
meanwhile at G W.'s backyard
KKK: They just know how to have fun
Look there! An UFO!!!
Ghosts have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pure Ignorance, next stop HELL!
OMG KKK wheelers ahahaahaah
Verfickte Orschloch Fotzenfut!!!
On Final Fantasy, there is Mysidia, the Black Mage Village. I guess this one must be the White Mage Village.
racist idiology is much like a ferris wheel.
OMG a black guy. quick everyone onto the magical KKK time travelling ferris weel.
racist ideology is much like a ferris wheel
black people with white masks, a KK falsification
Sign by ferris wheel: "You must be at least this white to ride."