Other's Explanations
Due to the recession, Xlinxar had to resort to cheaper methods of abduction.
E.T.- You are doing it wrong
Illegal alien abduction.
Jackass masters of universe
The two different kinds of aliens
one word acid
Surrender your giggling stoners TO XarXlar
close encounters of the wal mart kind
That darn UFO broke down on me again! How hard can it be to abduct a drunken idiot in a mall cart?!
WAL-MART It IS your one stop shopping place
In Soviet Russia...
You think this is weird, wait till you see the probe picture.
Non-humans have been spoted "shopping" outside of District-9
meanwhile in asia
Students do typical student stuff
"HEY!!! We don't laugh at you humans when you're having a financial crisis! Cut it out!"
gods sense of humor is showing again
Aliens have known for millennia what we've only recently discovered...asian food is indeed the healthiest food
Anal Probe in ... 4... 3... 2...
"If we hurry we can nip into tesco and grab a bacon butty before the one way flight back to Mars!"
ET goes low-budget
this hpns when the beam aint working
so, mars finally found a way to get us...IN A SUPER FUN SHOPPING CART.
Students do typical student thing
Abduction - You are doing it wrong!!!
Xenu takes his next vicyim
A casual friday for Detroit
i didn't realise michael jackson even knew arj barker...
Funny story... I was (hic) abducted by (hic) an alien
Yay! This time i don't have to pay for anal violation.
i srr 2 aliens ha
E.T still remembers that horrible weekend when Elliots bike were broken.
Elliot visiting E.T.'s home planet
Recent photos have shed light on the events at Roswell...
Meanwhile on Mars...
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
Students do typical student thing
The abduction scene from Saw 7
That´s how scientology got so many adepts... Xenu is a really good mate!
Donnie Darko 2: Franks Trolley Dash
Clearly, a 4th contact
the alien is a rapist!
Students do typical student thing
Scientologists have got to stop "recruiting"
Students do typical student thing
Due to the recession, Xlinxar had to resort to cheaper methods of abduction.