Other's Explanations
Oddly enough, none of Robert's neighbors suspected him in the disappearances of local children.
This is where your bike goes when it gets lost in the dryer.
World most successful pedophile.
The latest music video from Lil' Wayne featuring Akon. Entitled: "We goin' green on dem ho's"
nigga stole my bike
Where is Waldo's Bike ?
It's funny because he's black...
To recognize you have a problem is the first step.
China's only communial pool
I think that big red bike.....gave birth
Holy shit!!!....That pool is huge!
Hey it's Sterges
I wonder how many bikes are in the house.
Octomom's years as a grandma!
um, that's a big A$$ yard!!!
I want to ride my BICYCLE! BICYCLE! BICYCLE!
Its a bikefest
The Tour de France parking lot.
Best party of the year
Is this where the bikefest is????
I looked it up and ironically the man was killed in a bike accident.
I don't know why! Bicycles just keep appearing in the big blue portal in the back yard!
The dancing trees movie set house!
Lower Class neverland ranch!
new "find waldo" edition
Micheal Jackson is have a slumber party!
japanese bath-house //JG
i want to ride my bicycle..i want to ride my bike
thats what happens when a body builder hoards
i think we should raleigh against this sort of thing, you visit somewhere like this and theres no wheelchair access, its a shambles
Still looking for the perfect ride
After I steal your bike, I'm going for a swim
Biker Bars -- The Early Years
The NIGGERS stole my bike.
John Wayne Gacy's summer home
Santa Could Not Be fucked Delivering All the Presents Too All The Children This year
well now i know who took all mi bikes as a kid
2 bikes at price of 1!
Indian reservation! Nuff said!
My bike-yard doing gooood
Nigga wants YOUR bike!
Urban Cannibalism .. mmm
his child support payments must be out of this world
Black persons house.
bikes much?
What if this was for the program that donates bicycles to African children that need to go to a far away school? You guys should feel terrible.
Well, I said "Let's make a bike tour", but I did not expect you to leave your bikes here then...
What bicycles officer.......
All the kids went in for lunch
to all the people who have ever had their bike stolen, this is where they go... good luck finding yours.
Urban Cannibalism ... mmm ... ?
Where bikes go to die
He's CHAINED to his obsession.
Urban Cannibalism .. mmm.. ?
Mommy, my bike fell down :(
And I always thought that PeeWee's bike was in the basement at the Alamo!
okay, seriously.... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
MOM? weres my bike??
Yo MTV Cribz! come check out ma wheeelz!
atleast we now know where peewee's bike REALLY went...
.... bitach stole my bike your bike his bike her bike..........
Holy shit, that's my bike. First red one from the bottom right.
rednecks of the bike world
So this is where the black people take your bike when they steal it.
Sanford and Son after Katrina
DeSean knew he could nail a frontflip of the trampoline into the above-ground pool. All he needed was a bike with the right weight so that the science of it all calculated perfectly.
John Wayne Gacy's summer home
Clearly a typical Dutch home.
Urban Cannibalism .... ?
nigga steal my bike
All your bikes are belong to us.
200,000,000 children on bikes come in, 0 come out..
I found Pee Wee Herman's bike!
That is Pee Wee's bike Heh,Heh
A black guy must live there
Michael Jackson's Amusement Park
A neighborhood in the process of becoming a "hood". Side benefit of global hood care.
Pedobear house
Indian reservation.... Nuff said!
How many children? oh, let me see...
bike thief/horder
Mickael Jakson's house...
pedo bears backyard
I love how there's actually a black man on the deck. "Oh what the internet will do with this one."
So this is where the black people take your bike when they steal it.
Nigga stole my Bike!
outside a serial paedophiles house -
Michael Jackson IN DA HOUSE!
Now that the netherlands didn´t make it at the Worldcup, they return to there favourite alternatives: Biking and Swimming ... but where is all the Weed ... well maybe we should ask that guy over there...
Oddly enough, none of Robert's neighbors suspected him in the disappearances of local children.