Other's Explanations
The Pope of Greenwich Village
Indeed it's the holiday "Sinterklaas" Held at the 5th of december but celebrated weeks in advance. Including a traditional entry, where "Sinterklaas" here played by "Bram van der Vlugt" docks his ship filled with presents and helpers (the guys in black make-up) in a different Dutch city each year. They are black because much like Santa they have to deliver the presents trough the chimney. The actors in this picture are all well know actors from dutch television, (google Bram van der Vlugt) apart from the camera crew who are dressed the same way to mask the fact it's all fake. Little children in Holland believe in "Sinterklaas" like others believe in Santa.
The rest of the Klan will come rescue me!
This could never happen in America. If Americans were told that six to eight nameless black men were coming into their houses in the middle of the night, they would arm themeselves with whatever they could find! "SIX TO EIGHT, DIDJA SAY?!"
don't mess with Sinterklaas, he's awesome. I'm Dutch.
Gary Glitter founds new cult to avoid child sex stigma
This is the Dutch equivalent of Santa Claus. His name is Sinterklaas and he travels from Spain in a boat to give presents to children in Holland. The black people are called "Zwarte Piet" (Black Piet) They are black because they help Sint by going up and down people's chimneys to deliver presents, they have soot on their faces.
not so hard to explain. actually 'sinterklaas' or saint nicolaas is the original santa claus. the american santa claus is just a bastard version of sinterklaas.
Santa Claus is actually the American version of Sinterklaas, brought over by Dutch settlers in the new world.
Last comment, too long to read...
Black because of the chimney, not black because it's OK to be black!
sinterklaas is one awesome celebration we get gifts en we eat candy like chocolate shaped in letters of your name and pepernoten( google it down).
ARMAGGEDON!!! Dies Irae!
billy bonka, king of the black oompa loompas
What if the Confederacy won the war?
Santa Pope Wonka and his Ghetto Loompas
After a years of laziness Father Frost finally came to Africa
What would happen if Obama and Santa Claus would do a coup d'etat in the Vatican City
So thats where the cast from Cosby ended up...
there are life changing moments that appear from something as simple as innocently rolling a dubrey and taking the slow mental pace of calm, happy almost semi cartoon like feeling, you click next and what you see.....please my.....ther.....no i.....how many more bricks will i shit..... i just ........oh dear for the love........oh my golly gosh, i do believe my retinas have fused! i have to section myself right now, i feel like i have been labotomised through my visual cortex, ive been fukin brain raped and its not my fault, somebody please....cant speak ploperly keep getting my muckin furds all wuddled up, cant even smell my own name...sides splitt so painfully funny........dutch.......must visit holla.........
there are life changing moments that appear from something as simple as innocently rolling a dubrey and taking the slow mental pace of calm, happy almost semi cartoon like feeling, you click next and what you see.....please my.....ther.....no i.....how many more bricks will i shit..... i just ........oh dear for the love........oh my golly gosh, i do believe my retinas have fused! i have to section myself right now, i feel like i have been labotomised through my visual cortex, ive been fukin brain raped and its not my fault, somebody please....cant speak ploperly keep getting my muckin furds all wuddled up, cant even smell my own name...sides splitt so painfully funny........dutch.......must visit holla.........
Slavery was a good thing!... "St.Claus and the Black Pete's" trying to make the slavery good.. Telling children lies #*&L@L
And that was how Mosses (aided by his helpers) discovered America!!!
Black people have kidnaped the pope
This my frend... Is Holland.
the jackson 5 at christmas
There are no blacks in Dutch, that's the explanation to the make-up.
Welcome the pope and his slaves just in time for Christmas.
willy wonkas evil twin is in town, and he took the aampa laampas with him O_O
Wow, this must look really wierd for americans :D
thanks wikipedia
these Niggaz wanna catapult the .. Santa Pope
"Indeed it's the holiday "Sinterklaas" Held at the 5th of december[,,,]" OMG awesome caption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ignorance is something, isn't it...
Santa Claus is an EOE.
sinterklaas + zwart pieten
"You might just shit brix because none of these people are actually black, it’s all make-up." O RLY?
You too, YES YOU, can also be my black face shakesperean drone. Come one come all. HO HO HO
Ok fine so this is a tradition and the "black guys" are just black because they hop down never cleaned chimneys..ok....just 1 question then.... why the fuck do they all have afro's??
They really couldn't find black people to hire for this? I forgot, black people are a rare commodity!
Go go Medieval Rangers!
Santa: "Emancipation Proclamation never included the North Pole ... suck it Lincoln! For the rest of you .. have fun picking cotton in the snow "
One ring to rule them all... And one cane to energize the slaves!
This is Sinkterklaas, the Dutch Santa. For a full explanation of the Sinterklaas tradition, check out David Sedaris' "6 to 8 Blackmen."
Santa goes on Soul Train.
Yeah, I didn't see why this was weird. But I'm from Holland. I believed in this jerk.
/facepalm Amerikanen zijn homo's
You will be the next that i transform in a blackman
top comment too long! didnt bother reading it.
Allah Jihad!
The real "santa" is called Sint Nikolaas ...
sinterklaas is one awesome celebration we get gifts en we eat candy like chocolate shaped in letters of your name and pepernoten( google it down).
There's a special diety for Al Jolson impersonators and a special heaven they go to when they die.
The Pope of Greenwich Village