Other's Explanations
A last one, before quitting...
Step right up folks and have a shot at the Wheel of Cancer!!!
He's down to 29 packs... at a time.
I don't know why you're complaining. I only smoke once a day. Geez...
Take that lungs.
everyone within 50 feet died that week
Darwin Award status: win.
I guess I can get cancer with one breathe, you bet ?
Jeff, you smoke 300 cigarets at once!
Its time for you must admit that you have a problem -
Another one of those damn Truth commercials.
a dedicated smoker
Maybe he should try the new E-Cig
Thats not a cigarette......THIS IS A CIGARETTE
how many cigarrettes are there?
Nick Taylor commits suicide
Easy way to stop smoking: smoke them all so that there is no tobacco anymore on the Earth.
I don't always smoke cigarettes...
I'll quit tomorrow.
Ha, wtf, what is this from? You'd die.
this is for a fact, this picture is from guinnes world records book, making world record of smoking with 800-900 cigarettes by once, don't exactly remember the correct number..
what a head spin
This makes you live longer right???
Heathers dad 5 years ago.
Cancer at 3....2....1....
Instant Cancer Kit
No cigarets dont kill ppl cancer does !!! but cigarets cause cancer !!!! LOLZ
25 packs a day is all we ask
A last one before quitting... life...
He's trying to blow out that candle! Why do all you narrow minded people assuming that He's inhaling! LOL
The fabulous Gentleman, before he quits....
Youth in asia?
cancer on a wheel
this picture is from guinnes world record book from the year I don't remember, we used to have the record book at home, world record of smoking, around 800-900 cigarettes by once if I remember right. but the picture of it I've remembered always. lol
A last one before dying
When one is just never enough
My dad says, "Quiting is for P ussies"
His boss told him he could have one smoke break for the rst of his life. This is how he made the most of it.
This must be the cure for cancer!
my doctor say that i can smoke once a day
My boss said to cut back on how many smoko breaks i take each day....
don light with that its taste awful
Lung Cancer man has lung caner
suck it in your mouth . . . and blow it out your ass
What is this 'Lung Cancer' you speak of?
Dave Grohl back in Nirvana
Chain Smoking Olympiad
Dude, there are easier ways to commit suicide
Cancer? They're MENTHOL! They're healthier than apples!
Genius World Records, here I come! Get my iron lung ready...
Heathers Dad
This is the chapter in Mortal Kombat where Smoke kills Noob Saibot once and for all...
I Wish hes still ALIVE!!
see,Im not that bad
dont light with that its taste awful
Cutting down to 500 a day is the toughest hurdle.
Sometimes 49 just aren't enough
"Anyone got a cough sweet"?
Do I get to take a breather?
Uh, um, err, I'll have a diet Pepsi, this here People magazine, a dozen Bic lighters, and 15 cartons of Marlboro Lights. Cashier: "That'll be $722.68."
Cancer at 3....2....1....
I don't always smoke cigarettes...
When I look at this picture my lungs hurt :|
"What lung cancer?"
Smoke Em if you've got em!
To be fair, he was at least 25 feet from the entrance of the building.
E-Cigarettes are way better people
German Army soldiers realize there's no way out, suicide ring forms.
Big Tobacco's new mascot
If Cheech could see me now...
I can stop whenever I want! Just another..
Holy FUCK! lmao
New Marlboro Comercial
That smell... wait... OH SHI!!!!
The russian way.
*Yesterday* Doctor -You will die this week Dude -WORD? *Current* Dude -Alright kids, now this is how you do it...
Euthanasia, you fucking nit-wit. Also, damn...
What a waste of smoke!
No big deal... It's filtered.
smoking kills slowly. More or less.
thanks mate i had run out of matches
he took it farther than his peers wanted him to
Smoking probably WILL give you cancer (after this)!!!
Mumy said that smoking at home is bad ...
He just went to a whorehouse on nickle night with a pocket full of change and this is his after sex smoke. Mystery solved I have spoken I win /guessing
Stupid am I? Well look at this!
Taylor Gang or Die
He' s from Romania.
enfisema overkill
thats just to much
stupid, non-smoking cab...
Man... it where soft sigarets
he gonna die...nao.
i won the record for fastest person to get lung cancer
With the ban on animal testing, scientists were forced to turn to human guinea pigs.
That's how the Turkish smoke ^^
Taylor Gang Or Die
My boss said to cut back on how many smoko breaks i take each day....
Today I sat and smoked myself to cancer...
The gaitling fume fun
Well, his mom did tell him she'd make him smoke the whole carton the next time she caught him.
This Guinness World Records moment brought to you by Marlboro....... guy probably has enough miles for a fucking marlboro motorcycle.
Tons of Cigarettes -$900.00 5 bottles of Listerine -$40.00 Lung cancer -Priceless.
Lung´s doc nightmare.
see look i've cut down on my cigarettes(whispers to mate)yeah get me another 20 packets here a £20
Tumors in ten. seconds. flat
How to get a cancer in 5 minutes.
Talk about one HELL of a Nic. fit!
*walks over to paying till* ok i will have the whole series of porn magazines and a cut out doll, cos i cant find them in here.oh and do you sell ciggies?my wife said i gotta give up tomorrow so im gonna have one last ouff oh nad have you got a refillable lighter? yes? ok thanks yes i will have that and 23 refill packs yeah thanks.(an hour later there is a huge queue for the only paying till)what that will be 500 dollars? ok well um i'll have your whole stock of ciggies on top of that cos this is my wives housekeeping money.*walks out of toy shop to find young children puffing on half of his ciggies*
Foxconn's own stress test for job candidates.
that's nothing compared to the huge joints they're lighting them with.
Heathers Dad
A last one, before quitting...