Other's Explanations
"I find your lack of faith disturbing..."
jesus, I am you're father...
It just looks like six Sith Lords to me. What's the big deal?
Lue, we are Father, Son & Holy Spirit
more proof that Star Wars IS a religion.....
Father Vader insisted on wearing his own robes to the ceremony but he demanded that the others not fail him again.
Oops. wrong convention.
Luke, these are your fathers!!!
Vader is the least threatening one out of all of them.
It was in Iceland. It was some sort of gathering of bishops and priests in Reykjavik(The capital of Iceland) And basicly some guy who is a athiest dressed up as Darth Vader to represent Athiests. And this is really old image this happened 2007 during the spring if I remember right. And to the other one who said this was a protest to the bank situation. That bank situation wasen't known that the bank were in such dipshit back then in 2007.
Pride goeth before a fall
Can i play? i brought my own uniform...
its our new pope going to mast
Ladies first...
At least we know one guy in the procession hasn't fucked any little boys.
The line at K Mart wrapped around the block when it was announced that boys clothes were half off.
Luke, I am you Father... Son and Holy Ghost.
The Dark Side Reform Club.
And don't come back without your helmets!
oh i am jedi mother fuckers ima fuck all you fuken priest with my shiny red cock saver XDXD
The Vatican was planning on having a "pimp's and ho's" theme party, but they had to tone it down to "saints and sinners".
The faith is strong with this one...
tats d mother fucker guy from star wars is trying to guard the preists
I got a bad feeling about these...
And the weird thing about this is what?
Maybe I could ask Jesus for some help, he owns me...
It is only natural Vader walks behind Palpatine :P
wahahaha.. is that dark vader I see?
let the force of christ be with you!
come over to the dark side my son
Some mages and vader behind them
Darth Vader will be the next pope ctm!!
Pope Darth on his way for Black mass.
I guess Darth Vader does have a good side after all!
The Pope is building a deathstar!!!
We spent 12million on protection for the pope and darth vader got this close?
Class of 1977 Sith reunion!
You do not know the power of the -oh wait.
Darth Vader gave the non believers a case of whiplash
church win
It takes forever to get into these union meetings.
This is on iceland MY HOMELAND WOHOO!
i am your father... that is why i am here.
Darth Vader still hasn't realized why he failed his interview to be the next pope.
... If you can't beat 'em , Join 'em.
just meeting all of religion
Wherever the children of God gather, the devil's agents are also present.
i love pussy
The guy in red is the Bishop of Iceland, and Darth Vader is his apprentice, the rest is obvious.
Now, I am everyone's Father. Guu-Ha-Huh-Haaa...
Fuck i thought this was the star wars convinsion!..
that is in my country. iceland. it was a joke i saw it on tv
Its simple. This happened in Iceland. There was this guy in Darth Wader uniform (going to protest the tyranny of old bankers that made the whole nation go bankrupt). He stumbles on this high priests or whatever its called, bishops etc. walking to the old down town church. He decides to follow them for laughs... and there was surely laughs.
Beam me up, Scotty- men wear dresses down here!
The pope looks like the Emperor, who the hell did you think the new Cardinal was going to be?
Father Darth, you are at the end of the line due to your "Death Star" prank.
Who knew? Vader was deacon too.
NOOO! I am your father!
In the next Star Wars film, Darth Vader goes Russian Orthodox!!!
Vader was obviously taking the "Father" stuff a bit too seriously.
St Lucas Day parade
Today's reading comes from Paul's letters to the Sith...
Padawan, your force is strong... but use the dark side.
These are the guys I was lokkin for!
I'm here for the "altar boy seeking father" ad on Craigslist
It takes forever to get into these union meetings.
I told you i was force into dis stupid religion!
man I hate the spaghetti my mom makes
Hes got my vote for pope
Just a day in the life of Cardinal Vader
I told Benedict XVI was really on the dark side
Darth Vader joins the dark side...
It is nice to be the only priest to have earned his black robe.
"- Excuse me, hello!? Are any of you guys Emperor Palpatine?"
big stud he neat
at last the altar boy found a preist proof costume.
Grown men in dresses. Charming!
Don't go to the dark side
Next week on to catch a predator...
Thats just a COSPLAY!!! Dark Vader Is out of PLACE LOLZZZ!
This made the news here in Iceland, it was a great gathering of the bishops of Iceland, and Darth Vader decided to join their parade.
"Why not join the dark side? I've got cookies..."
I am your God.
The Galactic Empire joins the Catholic Empire!
What the priest doing? : D
Look like Sith. Smell like Sith. Act like Sith. Must be Sith.
I have a friend who knows where that picture is taken, its in Reikjevik Iceland (check out the writing on the sign) and her mothers hair dressers is in the pic behind darth vader
Are You Mocking me??
May the Holiness be with you
Star Wars, a new pope
The Force is strong with theese ones
He wasn't Athiests maybe he just had a good taste of humor.. i Remember when this was on the news.. :'D
St. Luke's CHUURCH....OOOOOH, my bad.
omg its on iceland :D !!! (no really it is)
The Roman Catholic Church trying to boost their ratings.
Since the rebellion won the war I am looking for a new job.
"I find your lack of faith disturbing..."