Other's Explanations
Canadian Armed Forces
Economic crisis hits army as well...
"Special" Forces
Faster Faster! They're catching up!
America, I present to you our new "green" army.
Poland finaly joins the war on terror.
They see me rollin they hatin
The Truth that Soldiers never grow up, the toys just get bigger
Controversy in North Korea as they test their new weapon of mass destruction
Honey, I'm off to the grocer's and this time he's not giving me from the rotten tomatoes!
The economic fighting force...
My 1st impression at this image was: "They're playing Tug of War" . LOL . but, just for few seconds... now I see: "They AREN'T !" I think it's just army recess. haha!
dear lord they let brian mullroney do up the military budget AGAIN
France Armed Forces in Mali.
OHHH Shit Ride-By!!!!
The terrorist has occupied the Walmart!
The Paperboy just got an upgrade.
New ecological army project... well, I guess it won't work very well in a battle.
Damn the SF Bicycle Coalition!
Even in these troubled times, the army has time to go green!
Obama has changed the Army too.
billions of dollars spent on military funding and this is the best they could come up with?
I see the economy's hitting everyone this year.
They did say rebuilding the Israeli arny would take time.
Actually Swiss Armed Force. :)
"Let's go for a ride"
Lemmings won't cross our border
If you thought the French army was bad....
Nothing can stop us now!
Completely safe training! Really...
I guess they forgot the tank
Another commercial for Mario Kart Double Dash
I think the bicycler man is kinda child thinking.Because he can on ly handle 3 wheeled bicycle not a 2 wheeled one.Hahaha.So stupid.
Shopping in Belfast (again)
TACHANKA. next level
"My turn, my turn! I wanna hold the machine gun!"
budget cuts .....what a pain
the army who combats the pollution!
thats the france's "green beretts".
go mens, sorry children
Pow Pow Pow ok I shot you now you're dead
Special Forces
My kid is gonna be soo happy.
This is why we always lose against terrorists
P.R.D.F ( paper round defense force)
the s.a.s. in action
"Now we can blend in whith the taliban forces"
The M37 assault wagon with optional tricycle attachment
Hudson get on that MG!
that's france's "gree baretts".
thats the french army, the thing on the back is a water gun
Ok guys, let's find Bin Laden!
WTF,there's a smiley face on the second window with ummm...hair on its cheek...What the!!!Hair on it's cheek??!!Santa!!!
Wow a warmaschien
canada is in a budget crisis so bad, even the army has had to cut back
Newfie Armed Forces!
the army has a low budget!?
UNIT training initiative
Bored on the Army base?
Play Soldier -
How Rumsfeld spent the taxpayers money to arm and protect our soldiers properly!
Gas prices these days.
It's Mythbusters!!
french army
You take the turret, I'll...uh...drive?
Finish Artillery- be afraid, be very afraid
bring in the tanks !!!!!!!
The best front line technology
Hudson get on that MG!
Mythbusters. Viewer Special
Training camp
Laziest tug-of-war
looks like the South African Army
swedish army
Those neighborhood kids will be sorry they messed with me!
Cutbacks are affecting everyone
blow me cunt
Germans to the Front!
So far so good, I don't think they can tell we're not from here...
Army goes green.
am i the only one who realizes that the guy pedalling the bike looks like jamie from mythbusters?
Slovenian army
"I now present to you, the new, high-tech fast attack vehicle." "dose it work?" "i'd assume so, france and canada have been buying them up left and right!"
Meanwhile in North Korea...
The British Army have taken some serious cuts this year
Hey, it gets good mileage.
Military going green
Tug of war
And the tax money goes where..? XD
decreasing budgets
Canadian Armed Forces