Other's Explanations
Weapon of mass destruction
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.
It's an assassination plot against Richard Gere
Mouse Jousting.
Two mice enter one mouse leaves. -
Weapon of Ass Destruction.
weapon of mouse destruction
800 Billion in the war on terror and this is the best we can come up with?
HahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahHah hahahahahahahahahahahahhah
Natural Selection: It can be tampered with.
in soviet union mouse kill you
tom and jerry ufc
cheese cutter
If you are bored and have a hamster, a roll duct tape, and a knife; this is the only reasonable thing to do.
wait! it is dangerous! take this with you!
Da Vinci's new invention for Ezio
It's Hamtaro time!!
Bolivian's bodyguard
pray that it crawls into the right hole
It's evolution
Hamster fighting machine - In practice.
Lucky Jesus, just had to carry wood...
We're gonna tear those meeses to pieces.
The TRUE silent assasination. * holds up mouse
Weapon Of Mouse Distraction
Lemmiwinks just got way more painfull!
Wanted's mouse army on a budget.
Another James Bond Tool.
Douche abusing a rodent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just incase. It's a big big world out there...
Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow!
Weapon of Mouse Destruction
And so jousting was reborn...
Weapon of ass destruction
waiter! there´s a mouse in my knife!
The path may be dangerous, here take this.
natural selection! evolve ore die
Danger Mouse
Sharks with friggin' lasers on their heads? Pssh. I use these.
Samuri Mouse
Rodent knife-fights.
lets see the kitty chase me now!!
Natural selection....can be tampered with
The only good 5th gen starter choice, no doubt. Likely the fire type.
Go Alfonzo! And don't come back without those bladders!!
Credit crunch hits the CIA's weapons research department
Weapon of mouse destruction
Pocket knife transporter...
Weapons of "mouse" destruction
My name is Mikky and welcome to jackass!
It's gonna hurt to take off the tape
Just like my penis. Small but dangerous...
Canadian Army Receives A Bigger Budget
Do not be taken in by it's cuteness.
Let's see that cat pick on you now.
with this we shall kill gary coleman
Weapon of 'maus' destruction
Hamsters creed
mad scientist doomsday fund a little short this year
Weapon of mouse destruction
If you are bored and have a hamster, a roll duct tape, and a knife; this is the only reasonable thing to do.
I will research your anus!
Fuck you guys, that's animal cruelty. Not funny.
weapon of mouse destruction
ACME Cat Defense (patent pending)
Cruelty. Not funny!
Someones cat will wish it would have listened better!!! :-)
Lets kill dose mudda fukken rats!
http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj240/damndisgruntled/hamster.jpg Voila.
The real pikachu, when it levels up.
Tactical Biological Weapon
Chinese fighting hamster.
IRD: Improvised Rodent Device
Weapon of mouse destruction!
Q gave me this..
Hamtaro goes wild
"Awww, it's so cute- OMG it cut me! I'm bleeding! Holy shi-"
Weapon of mouse destruction.
mouse trap defense
Felchers BEWARE the critters have had ENOUGH!!
The Terrorists really are getting cheap lol
Lemmie-winks rescue mission
Assassins Mices! That's it, run to the hills!!
Good! Now point me toward Tom Cruise.
Mouse Knife! NOobzzzz
Mice slice
Here, hold this cheese and I'll show you how it works.
Thats so mean!
makeshift narwhal
Weapon of mouse destruction
danger mouse :)
You're free now, my baby, you can go to see the world for your own.
WonderPets gone bad...Or, During this recession, instead of can openers..lets go back to good ol hamsters..
Finally! A mouse that can cut it's own cheese!
Let's see if that cat fucks with me now
don´'t mess with the hamsters when they want to dominate the world >
its emo .. ?
Bayonet mouse: the new weapon of al qaida.
Mutant Ninja Hamster
that'll teach him not to come back to my pantry!
What Military Intelligence gets us.
we didn't have the funds to make the swordmouse a reality so we had to improvise
We're fucked...
thats my tactical mouse.. best used with marathon lightweight and commando
hehehe... now my hamster not just hamster it can transfor to knife-hamster
technology : your doing it right
ankle biter has evolved into ANKLE STABBER!
I knew they would rule the world some day
weapons of MOUSE destruction
The cutest killing device you will ever see. Make them all scream in terror "AW!"
The newest Zhu Zhu pet has zero lead content.
Dear Tom, Catch me now you fucker. Your friend, Jerry
WMD - Weapons on Mice, Duh!
weapon of MOUSE destruction
Weapon of mass destruction
haha in your butt
Does anyone notice that the knife is horridly photoshopped?
The hamster almost died and the owner thinks...Wait! I can rebuild him. Better. Stronger, than before!
Martyr: You're doing it wrong.
Knife that comes when you whistle
the pox didnt work!?!?!?!?!?(sigh) any other bright ideas?
Ever have trouble cutting the cheese?
Biological weaponry!!
when mickey mouse go crazy
Now GO little buddy, and kill them... Kill'em all !!!
Japans first attempt for a banzai charge
Silent But Deadly
Let's see if you'll try shoving me up your a** now!
Proof that Natural Selection can be tampered with
Tactical Rodents Inbound!
Go for the eyes Boo! Go for the eyes!
I don't want THAT gerbil in my ass!
Smith and Wesson Knife collection, now featuring the completely new comfort grip. "feed twice daily"
Stop watching Pokemon!
Explanation: Photoshopper with a sick humor.
battle-hamster FTW!!!
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.
f**k bear cavalry, this is canada!
G-Force, the new animation movie is based on real life.. thats the proof!!
The cat has it coming.
for those guys who want more of a thrill
Beware cats!
Right, lets see you shove me up your ass now bastard!
alright mouse, that's all the help i'm giving you, and the cat only has a fork...
F**k natural selection
the pox didnt work?!?!?!?! (sigh) Any other bright ideas?
weapon of mass confusion
... just a little more tape and those fools of the FSA were in my rear view mirror!
You fools! This is what happens when you play in God's realm!"
Weapon of mass destruction