Other's Explanations
previoustly on Lost.....
There is a spy amongst us.
Bear ate a Jew they are proud of him
This picture makes no sense to most people because they fail to grasp the intricacies of Nazi humor. The white (and obviously blue eyed) bear represents the pinnacle of European fauna, the famed White Bear of the Black Forest. Note that it's strength can be inferred by the fact that it takes TWO soldiers to restrain it. This classic image is juxtaposed against the reclining soldiers, representing zeigwuffen, or Germany Sexual Prowess Proven By Armament Size. To the layman, this image can translated to mean (roughly) "White Bear Powerful. German Man Sexy." Truly a humor classic.
The right to bear arms
Hitler visiting eastern front incognito
seriously Hans you've gotta find your uniform
The Russians will never see this one coming.
Да это же советский медвед-партизан :-) Взят в плен к сожалению...
I can explain this image :)
This picture is from polish city called Zakopane
One of atrraction of Zakopane is possible to take photo whith man dressed up like white bear on the Krup??wki - main street of this city. In IIWW Zakopane was under Nazi's occupation. -
we eat like kings tonight!
what nonsense, this is of course Obergefreitzer Gunter Von Trauser, demonstrating his new forest camoflague idea- if you check the bear's ears (or lack of them) you will see the results of his trial attempt, where he realised that his comrades as well as his friends would open fire when they spotted him lurking in the undergrowth...............
thats an old guily suit
Bundaberg Rum Beta.04
Consome consome consome panchi! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnyBFUKiX6s
"Wunderbar! You got zat Russian beauty to take a picture mit uns?"
The great uncle that Chewbacca never speaks about
over a hundred years of bundy rum....AUSTRALIA rulz!!!!
whats weird here? the two faggets laid down on the grass
*Man in suit* Ha you guys are stupid... there going to be looking for army men.... there not going to be looking for Polar bears .....
yeah, but that was soo many summers ago
well grandson, that tells the story of my love afair, and explains why your a were-bear -
Ghillie suits back in those days...
Here's Chewbacca..A wookie from the Kashyyyk planet..
BIG FOOT!! there you are!!
Which is the odd one out
they captured big foot
One of these kids is doin his own thing. One of these kids just isn't the same.
'Trevor........wheres your bloody helmet'
Nazi breakfast club
that bear looks drunk....
This clearly illustrates our right to arm bears.
One of these things is different from the others...
Team Fortress Alpha
The bear uniform was a prototype designed for the Eastern Front. Inside the suit, despite Siberian temperatures, it was a cozy 80 degrees F. The downside, as it turned out, is that the Russians were extremely skilled at hunting bears and the Germans lost thousands of men before recalling the uniform. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the bear uniform was replaced with the Wolf uniform prototype.
chuck norris!!!
Another "Secret Weapon" developed by the Nazi's during WWII that didn't quite work out/
Inglorious bastards 2: The Bear-jew goes undercover.
And the soldiers said to me: You got it wrong, son. It was Bigfoot, and not the UFOs, that helped the Nazis!
Jawohl mein Fuhrer, ve haff a suspect fur ze shitting-in-ze-voods incident!
Yeti call home!
jus chillin
the Nazi's recruited big foot
wtf is wrong with this people?
more like a (weird) pre-wed session
Chubaka saves a day
I can't get what's wrong with kids today, looking at the back cover of "Highlights for Children"
The Bear Jew taking a picture with a captured German Platoon before beating them to death with a club.
pedopolarbear its pedobears cousin.they have different personalities
the 'red baron' wasnt red !!! :O
dammit chewy!!! i didnt know you hated jews.
Chewbaccas modern white cousin.
nazists find the big foot xD
Hitler's secret weapon that would make nazis win WII
they were in Zakopane "ja i kolezanka, niedzwiedz, Zakopane" :D
You try to escape? Off to ze camp with you! But picture first...
it's the stig x chewbaca
At least some humans in the woods would be his friends.
Chewbaccas modern white cousin.
Ok men... The germans have kidnapped the Bundy Bear.. We'r goig in!!
Bear: say cheese!!
and thay say big foot is not real
Day 56 undercover, The Germans are gaining my trust, they have still not figured out that I am i bear.
Ша ка-ак от Медведа пиздюлей-то огребут!..
Where's Waldo....
all for rum. and a rum for all
Too black, too strong...
No I cannot explain this.
Bear: Y'all are idiots, Americans are looking for Nazi guys.
Omg, its Zoolander!
Nobody told Zimfahr the costume portion of the party was tabled.
We didnt have a big enough budget for Hellboy's stunt double.
And here's one we caught earlier....
Josef Mengele was a pioneer in DNA research.
If you've seen Inglorious Basterds then it makes complete sense...
LOST before the plane had fallen
My God! Big Foot is a nazi fugitive!
The right to arm bears.
Me and the military service buddies the day we were on maneuvers and the the seargent got blind drunk
And that is the story of how the Gay Beaver Club began in Berlin.
Find the one which they call "Bear Jew"
Nazi's New Mascot
This is our farewell party for Hans. He's going to the eastern front.
They caught the bear jew
the Germans just wanted to show that there WAS a difference between them and animals, cause at the time the line between both was starting to get quite blurry
I sense an intruder.....
Bärenmannpatrouille Bear man Patrol
Calvin decided to join the army when he grew up, and of course Hobbes tagged along
Time for the world to know Photoshop started as a nazi experiment
Hellboy's white bear cousin.
Bottom left,gay nazi
"The Bear Jew" and his friends
Poster for a new Sci Fi Channel movie.....Abdominal Snowman of the 3rd Reich
Sieg Heil!
I know that the germans tried to make german super-soldiers but...
Knut´s grandfather was nazi too.
Sadly, Kurt Student somehow knew his elite Panzerjagers would not survive the war, but he couldn't help but think that it was because of one particular soldier...
chubaka!the pedobear!
the Real bearjew
The Russian guerrilla is caught
Sesame Street Nazi style!
This is something from the Fanta Soda promotions, Fanta (has 80 flavors all over the world) was and is a product of Nazi Germany. The soda plants there couldn’t get any materials to make the usual soda so the man in charge made fruit soda to keep the company (a US company) from going under and the factories making cash for the USA. The bear still lingers as the Icee Bear from the frozen drinks. There even a Pez dispenser of it. The image is pre-war. The soldaten are wearing the M36 feldbluse (blouse) and M35 stalhelm (helmet). They are also lacking load bearing harness. There is also an absence of war-time awards.
Day 44, I managed to gain the germans trust.
This is the last citizen of that village, furer,
Nazi gay porn at its finest.
Hail on that..
Chewbacca's secret past exposed!!
Bearback Mountain
"We were sent out to kill the yeti, but he just ended up being such a cool guy!"
this bear was the name animal of this batallation, (WW II), its ofc a suit btw
Is Tom Cruise in bearkiria
You guys are all retarded! Pedobear is a Nazi! Everyone knows that...
Classic "Find The Odd Man Out" game - 1943 - level intermediate
German Army
We don't kill for fur.
Oscar felt his disguise was holding up nicely. They hadn't even noticed that he's gotten the uniform a little wrong.
Shit. That damn bear was supposed to be for the japs. Stupid pandas
Memories from the Russian front?
At Germany's first Bachelor party they knew the stripper was supposed to jump out of something...
Finally they came to an compromise that Barney would stop shitting in the woods if they agreed not to invade Poland.
can be pedobear's cousin
If a bear shits in the woods...he gets arrested.
At least some humans in the woods could be his friends.
Никогда еще Штирлиц не был так близок к провалу
silly, they're gonna be looking for army guys
The real secret how the Germans won the war!
bearboy like hell boy
Фрицы пиздюлей от Медведа огрести хотят.
"Bear with us, one more picture"
My grandfather in the war. He is the 5th from left. He is INSIDE.
"you guys are stupid.......they're gonna be lookin for army people :D"
the fury fuher
Operation Bearbarossa
Nazis demonstrating their strength.
its actually quite simple the bear was killed by the guy there and then stuffed for the picture up there. to show there strength over nature.
After years as the outcast, Chewbacca finally found a home among the third Reich.
The Bear to Right Arms
our day out with bigfoot
We're off to see the wizard
On the count of three. One.... Two.... Hey wait a second....
previoustly on Lost.....