Other's Explanations
I also love taking photos at the beach of pussies & big melons.
The cat obviously just rescued that watermelon from drowning in the lake.
Catamari Damacy.
give a man a fish he eats for a day teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime teach a cat to fish and you get watermelons
Not to be confused with the black cat that stole a watermelon from the same lake.
I know what you're all thinking you racist bastards
First Cat
Obviously this is the feline version of "Castaway"
The cat is Tom Hanks,
And the watermelon is Wilson. -
this picture is just adorable
i would have died had i not been safely floating on my watermelon.
no more cheezburgers....iz on a diet
I escaped Alcatraz and all I've got is this lousy watermelon.
i had to fight a black guy to get this!!, then i swam 10,000 miles with it, now i have no idea where the fuck i am !
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Last time, on Lost...
Contrary to popular belief the watermelon is actually trying to drown the cat.
This cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake... your argument is invalid.
its k guys i got it
I can has Sea-Melon?
weeks later a funeral was held, all of ireland was in attendence including.. John Jameson
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karate cat
Sysifus Kitty completes his latest challenge !.
A young feline takes her egg out for a wash by the seaside.
1 2 3 on billy!
Hold it guys, I got this.
Do you know how long it took me to push this watermelon outa the water !?!
They see me rollin' They hatin'
duh, he's reaping watermellons
This cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake. Your argument is invalid.
"The doctor says you have to eat more fruit", he said!
Roll, roll, roll your cat...
pussy with bigmelons
Iz mai water horse, nao!
kat with wotormolon
Super mario sunshine training
"Back off, people. This giant egg thing, which I believe is a fish egg, is MINE. Now, just to wait till the darn thing hatches, then it's seafood buffet time..."
dis is my waer mellon i shal call him squishy and he shall be mine...owch challie bit mae
weeks later a funeral was held, all of ireland was in attendence including.. John Jameson
Stop! Don´t do that, Melon! Suicide is senseless!
this cat is getting a watermelon out of the lake, your argument is invalid
I told you! Watermelons DO graw in the lake!
The best of luck my good melon. May the rolling waves take you to a better place
Black peeps*
the cat trow a melon to the magic water of the lake and tadaa¡¡ it become a tater melon, so the megician-cat brings his experiment to his laboratori
If only it would stop rolling around so I could get out of this stinking stream
down by the bay, where the watermelons grow, back to my home, i dare not go!!
weeks later a funeral was held, all of ireland was in attendence including john jameson
It's like a squirrel from "Ice Age" :DDD
a cunning plan - to roll a watermelon
Here, you can haz a melon.
My cat can eat a whooooole watermelon!
Jesus-cat brings back something better than fish to feed the hords.
Saving da' Watemalon
Iz Dis Real Lifes?
Ive seen beetles push balls of shit, but this takes the whole fucking cake!
"This is the last time I'm doing the groceries for you."
That your argument makes no sense, because this kitty is pushing a melon out of a lake
Get off my way, punk, I'm Busy!!!!
Finally, some watermelon on this Godforsaken island...
If you were one a deserted island and had to pick only one thing to bring with you..
No, no, no my friend, this is MY Melon
I can haz watrmeloon? Kthxbai.
First cat in the new world
Rollin', rollin' on the river...
"Is this YOUR melon?"
Sir, your watermelon, i hope it fucking chokes you.
The catfish is a lie.
this cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake. your argument is invalid.
Gimme teh watermelon
"One more step and the melon dies"
"people always be throwing their junk in my sea"
Cat just helps his owner to wash watermellon
wet pussy and juicy melons
The stories sais so: AT THE END OF THE WORLD...First all of the prisoners go free. And then all the cats roll watermelons from the sea. Let me read that again!
Why isnt it s black cat?
no one puts pussy in the corner
And now, you shall be known as Sir WaterMelon of Scumbaghood
this is what happens when you let a dung fuck your cat
Goddam dog isn't the only one who can play "fetch"
what could be in this egg ??
I HAVE BROUGHT PROOF OF MY WORTH. Your daughter is mine b****! HAHAHAHAHA! it is the Jaden Watermelon!!!
"my cat can eat a whoooole watermelon!" -Rubin Farr
That frigging black cat isn't going to get this one -- It's ALL mine!
I cleened dis melon for you...
I'm surprised it's not a black cat!
This cat is rolling a melon out of the water. Your explanation is invalid.
weeks later a funeral was held, all of ireland was in attendence including.. "John Jameson
Rarely photographed, the lake hunting melon lures another victim...
"Trying to drown me with a melon was their last error... "
down by the bay, down by the way where the watermelons grow
the cat is missing a finger. so is the watermelon.
ims gunnuh eats u noaw!!
a cat fishing for fresh watermelon in the middle of the ocean. i see nothing wrong with this pict.....oh wait, the man on the island in the background is missing a finger!
This cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake, your argument is invalid.
"The doctor told you to eat more fruit", he said to me.
jill tayupon
When a lake gives you watermelons FIND A NEW GOD!
I carried a water melon!
Champion Aqua cat watermellon surfer Tiddles poses for the ladies...
i run it movez right?
Sisyphuscat tries again.
This cat is pushing a watermelon out of lake. Your argument is invalid.
The cat's name is Sisyphus
This cat is pushing a watermellon out of a lake, your argument is invalid.
My cat can eat a whole watermelon!
"I carried a watermelon"
Dirty Dancing - no idea how I remember that -
And now we watch the wild Water Cat wrangle up it's favorite food, watermellon!
Oh no VGCats got Ico
thought you could get away.
I swear if that sign says welcome to Korea i'll drown myself.
Turkish style melon cooling
Im in ur beach...steelin yr melonz?
Go ahead and laugh bitches -- when this egg hatches I'm eating tender baby bird for days.
black people are gonna be all over this
The cat was originally designed as a "rolling away object retriever" but as time went on they developed ADD and instead of halting rolling objects, attacked them relentlessly with daft paws.
Garry's Mod 11. Better Graphics. Still dumb poses with watermelons.
weeks later a funeral was held, all of ireland was in attendence including.. John Jameson
Soviet cat must get melohn bahck to village!
I also love taking photos at the beach of pussies & big melons.